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Showing 6 changed files with 1,957 additions and 41 deletions.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions examples/xtelebot_example/main.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
package main

import (


func main() {
// Get the Telegram Bot Token from environment variables
token := os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN")
if token == "" {
log.Fatal("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN is not set")

// Create a new Bot instance with custom options
bot, err := xtelebot.NewBot(token,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create bot: %v", err)

// Create a background context
ctx := context.Background()

// Initialize update offset
offset := 0

xlog.Info("Bot started successfully")

// Set bot commands
setCommands(ctx, bot)

// Add this new function call
getBotInfo(ctx, bot)

for {
// Get updates from Telegram
updates, err := getUpdates(ctx, bot, offset)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to get updates", "error", err)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // Wait before retrying

for _, update := range updates {
if update.Message != nil {
handleMessage(ctx, bot, update.Message)
} else if update.CallbackQuery != nil {
handleCallbackQuery(ctx, bot, update.CallbackQuery)
offset = update.UpdateID + 1

func setCommands(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot) {
commands := []xtelebot.BotCommand{
{Command: "start", Description: "Start the bot"},
{Command: "help", Description: "Get help"},
{Command: "photo", Description: "Receive a sample photo"},
{Command: "location", Description: "Get a sample location"},
{Command: "keyboard", Description: "See an inline keyboard"},
{Command: "echo", Description: "Echo back your message"},
{Command: "deletecommands", Description: "Delete bot commands"},

params := url.Values{}
jsonCommands, _ := json.Marshal(commands)
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamCommands, string(jsonCommands))

_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodSetMyCommands, params)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to set bot commands", "error", err)
} else {
xlog.Info("Bot commands set successfully")

func getUpdates(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, offset int) ([]xtelebot.Update, error) {
params := url.Values{}
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamOffset, strconv.Itoa(offset))
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamLimit, "100")

body, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodGetUpdates, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

var resp struct {
Ok bool `json:"ok"`
Result []xtelebot.Update `json:"result"`

err = json.Unmarshal(body, &resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal response: %w", err)

if !resp.Ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("API response not OK")

return resp.Result, nil

func handleMessage(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, message *xtelebot.Message) {
xlog.Info("Received message", "from", message.From.Username, "text", message.Text)

switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "/start"):
sendWelcomeMessage(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID)
case strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "/hello"):
sendGreeting(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID, message.From.FirstName)
case strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "/photo"):
sendPhoto(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID)
case strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "/location"):
sendLocation(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID)
case strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "/keyboard"):
sendInlineKeyboard(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID)
case strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "/echo"):
echoMessage(ctx, bot, message)
case strings.HasPrefix(message.Text, "/deletecommands"):
deleteCommands(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID)
sendDefaultResponse(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID)

func sendWelcomeMessage(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}) {
welcomeMessage := `Welcome to the example bot! Here are available commands:
/hello - Get a personalized greeting
/photo - Receive a sample photo
/location - Get a sample location
/keyboard - See an inline keyboard
/echo <text> - Echo back your message`

sendMessage(ctx, bot, chatID, welcomeMessage)

func sendGreeting(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}, name string) {
greeting := fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s! How are you today?", name)
sendMessage(ctx, bot, chatID, greeting)

func sendPhoto(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}) {
photoURL := ""
params := url.Values{}
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamChatID, fmt.Sprintf("%v", chatID))
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamPhoto, photoURL)
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamParseMode, "HTML")

_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodSendPhoto, params)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to send photo", "error", err)

func sendLocation(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}) {
// Coordinates for New York Times Square
params := url.Values{}
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamChatID, fmt.Sprintf("%v", chatID))
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamLatitude, "40.758896")
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamLongitude, "-73.985130")

_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodSendLocation, params)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to send location", "error", err)

func sendInlineKeyboard(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}) {
keyboard := xtelebot.NewInlineKeyboardMarkup(
xtelebot.NewInlineKeyboardButton("Say Hello", "", "hello"),
xtelebot.NewInlineKeyboardButton("Get Time", "", "time"),
xtelebot.NewInlineKeyboardButton("Send Location", "", "location"),

params := url.Values{}
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamChatID, fmt.Sprintf("%v", chatID))
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamText, "Here's an inline keyboard:")
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamReplyMarkup, string(x.MustToJSON(keyboard)))

_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodSendMessage, params)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to send message with keyboard", "error", err)

func echoMessage(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, message *xtelebot.Message) {
echoText := strings.TrimPrefix(message.Text, "/echo ")
if echoText == "" {
echoText = "You didn't provide any text to echo!"
sendMessage(ctx, bot, message.Chat.ID, echoText)

func sendDefaultResponse(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}) {
sendMessage(ctx, bot, chatID, "I don't understand that command. Try /start for a list of available commands.")

func handleCallbackQuery(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, query *xtelebot.CallbackQuery) {
var text string
switch query.Data {
case "hello":
text = "Hello! You clicked the 'Say Hello' button."
case "time":
text = fmt.Sprintf("The current time is: %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
case "location":
// Send a location as a new message
params := url.Values{}
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamChatID, fmt.Sprintf("%v", query.Message.Chat.ID))
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamLatitude, "40.758896")
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamLongitude, "-73.985130")

_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodSendLocation, params)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to send location", "error", err)
text = "I've sent you the location of New York Times Square."
text = "Unknown button clicked."

// Answer the callback query
params := url.Values{}
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamCallbackQueryID, query.ID)
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamText, text)

_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodAnswerCallbackQuery, params)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to answer callback query", "error", err)

// Update the original message to reflect the action taken
sendMessage(ctx, bot, query.Message.Chat.ID, text)

func customErrorHandler(err error) {
xlog.Error("Bot error occurred", "error", err)

func deleteCommands(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}) {
_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodDeleteMyCommands, nil)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to delete bot commands", "error", err)
sendMessage(ctx, bot, chatID, "Failed to delete bot commands")
} else {
xlog.Info("Bot commands deleted successfully")
sendMessage(ctx, bot, chatID, "Bot commands deleted successfully")

func sendMessage(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot, chatID interface{}, text string) {
params := url.Values{}
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamChatID, fmt.Sprintf("%v", chatID))
params.Set(xtelebot.ParamText, text)

_, err := bot.APIRequest(ctx, xtelebot.MethodSendMessage, params)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to send message", "error", err)

func getBotInfo(ctx context.Context, bot *xtelebot.Bot) {
botInfo, err := bot.GetMe(ctx)
if err != nil {
xlog.Error("Failed to get bot information", "error", err)

xlog.Info("Bot information retrieved successfully",
"id", botInfo.ID,
"name", botInfo.FirstName,
"username", botInfo.Username,
"can_join_groups", botInfo.CanJoinGroups,
"can_read_all_group_messages", botInfo.CanReadAllGroupMessages,
"supports_inline_queries", botInfo.SupportsInlineQueries,

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