lua-mania is opensource vertical scrolling rhythm game developed by semyon422.
It is written in lua using love2d framework.
The game works on all platforms where works love2d.
Supported formats: osu, bme
- f10 - print profilers info
- f11 - toggle fullscreen
- f12 - toggle high performance fullscreen (low resolution + without BG)
- shift + 1/2/.../9/0 - scroll maplist to 0%/10%/.../100%/110%
- wheel - scroll
- up/down - scroll
- left/right - scroll and select
- enter - start game with selected item
- lshift+escape - exit game
- escape - play/pause
- lshift+escape - back to mapList
- f3/f4 - speed down/up
- f5/f6 - SVs power down/up
- 1/2 - pitch down/up
- 9/0 - offset down/up