Laravel 9+ wrapper for Adminer. Adminer is a fast single-file database manager/explorer tool written by Jakub Vrana. It's a great replacement for PhpMyAdmin (also supports PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB).
This package is meant to be used with Laravel as an in-built database manager/explorer. It comes with support for Adminer plugins and themes, which super-charges an already powerful tool.
This package is inspired by: miroc/Laravel-Adminer. The reason to add this package is to keep it up-to-date with Adminer, add plugin support and a test suite (TBD).
Adds ability to do (fuzzy) search on table names. It's especially useful when you have a large set of tables
To use this package, run:
composer require aranyasen/laravel-adminer
To autologin Adminer with Laravel default connection:
Route::any('adminer', '\Aranyasen\LaravelAdminer\AdminerAutologinController@index');
If you want to manually provide credentials on the UI instead:
Route::any('adminer', '\Aranyasen\LaravelAdminer\AdminerController@index');
Of course, you can add any middleware of your choice to restrict usage:
Route::any('adminer', '\Aranyasen\LaravelAdminer\AdminerAutologinController@index')
Adminer doesn't work with VerifyCsrfToken middleware, so it has to be disabled on its route.
In VerifyCsrfToken.php
disable CSRF by adding adminer route to $except
protected $except = [
Adminer supports a host of plugins. See CONTRIBUTING to add a new plugin
Download your favorite theme in public/
, e.g.:
$ wget