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Bloom filters are summary data structures that store the elements of a set compactly in a bit array. Given a Bloom fitler BF(S) that stores the set S, how can we sample elements from the original set S? A related question is how to reconstruct the set S from the Bloom filter?

This repository implements algorithms to achieve both of the above tasks [1].


To compile the code, download the malloc_count library from here: and place inside the repo directory.

For sampling, compile using

make BSTSample

For sampling with sparse namespaces, compile using

make dynamicBTtwitterRatio

For reconstruction, compile using

make BSTReconstruct


To run the sampling tests, use

./BSTtesting namespaceSize nSets inputFile numHashFunctions threshold desiredAccuracy


  • namespaceSize is the size of the universe that S is drawn from. If namespace size is M, the universe is assumed to be [0 ... M-1].
  • nSets is the number of such sets S drawn from the universe. The code samples 100 times from each set
  • inputFile contains nSets lines. Each line is a comma separated list of values in the set.
  • numHashFunctions is typically set to 3. It is the number of hash functions that a Bloom filter uses. For the same Bloom filter size, more hash functions imply greater accuracy.
  • threshold is the intersection size threshold used by the algorithm. A smaller threshold will cause higher sampling time but fewer errors in sampling (i.e. it will avoid that valid elements in the Bloom filter are never sampled). (See our paper [1] for details.). For sampling, this threshold will typically be set to 0.
  • desiredAccuracy is the desired accuracy of sampling. For example, if this parameter is 0.8, then the drawn sample belongs to the original set S with probability 80 %.


The code reports the average time taken to sample using the BloomSampleTree based algorithm ([1]), and the dictionary attack which is the baseline. The sampling time reported is averaged over 100 sampling rounds over all query sets. In addition, it outputs the measured memory footprint of the method.

Sampling with a sparsely occupied namespaces

In many real world applications, the namespace of elements from which the set S is drawn may be sparsely occupied. This means, that a majority of elements in [0 ... M-1] are not a part of any set. An example of this use-case is that of Twitter data, where a set corresponds to a hash tag and contains the user ids that tweeted with that hash tag. Since user ids are large alpha-numeric strings, the namespace of user ids is sparsely occupied.

In the scenario where the namespace is known to be sparsely occupied, the sampling process can be made faster and with smaller memory footprint. For such cases, use,

./dynamicBTtwiiterRatio namespaceSize nSets inputFile numHashFunctions BloomFilterSize threshold numLevels

The parameters are similar to that of sampling above. Additionally, BloomFilterSize should provide the size of the Bloom filters used in bits. For larger values of namespaceSize or larger sets to be sampled from, this size should be higher. numLevels gives the number of levels in BloomSampleTree [1].


To run the sampling tests, use

./BSTReconstruct namespaceSize inputFile numHashFunctions threshold desiredPrecision

Unlike BSTSample, the provided BSTReconstruct utility can be used to reconstruct only a given set at a time. However, it can also be easily extended to reconstruct multiple sets at once.


  • namespaceSize is the size of the universe that S is drawn from. If namespace size is M, the universe is assumed to be [0 ... M-1].
  • inputFile contains elements of the set, one element per line.
  • numHashFunctions is the number of hash functions that a Bloom filter uses.
  • threshold is the intersection size threshold used by the algorithm. This is an important parameter for the reconstruction algorithm. A higher threshold will result in higher precision, smaller reconstruction time, but smaller recall. A small threshold will give lower precision, larger reconstruction time, and higher recall. Best values for this threshold for typical parameter settings can be found in the file bestOverlapThresholds.
  • desiredPrecision is the desired precision of reconstructed set.


The code reports the size of the reconstructed set, the precision, reconstruction time in seconds, and the number of intersection and membership operations.


Simulated datasets available at: Twitter data available at


[1] Neha Sengupta, Amitabha Bagchi, Srikanta Bedathur, and Maya Ramanath. Sampling and Reconstruction Using Bloom Filters. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2017.


Sampling and Reconstructing using Bloom filters







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