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Run using :

./ckbDynamicNodeSet <numberOfNodes> <minCommunitySize> <maxCommunitySize> <minCommunityMembership> <maxCommunityMembership> <eventProbability> <intraCommunityEdgeProbability> <epsilon>

Output files:

  • ckbDynamicInitialGraphEdgeList : Graph G_0, one edge per line \t

  • ckbDynamicInitialCoverEdgeList : Cover of G_0. One edge of the node community bigraph per line \t

  • ckbDynamicStream : Stream of events to the dynamic graph. One event per line ,,,

    • eventType - 0: edge delete; 1: node add; 2: edge add; 3: node delete;
    • src - source node
    • dst - destination node (-1 if this is a node add or node delete event
    • timestamp - 1 <= timestamp <= T
  • ckbDynamicGraphByNode: Returns all the incident edges of a node. Lines following a line of the form Node : i indicate edges incident on i, and are of the form (dst, start, end, communityId)

    • dst - is the other node involved in the edge
    • start - start time of the edge
    • end - end time of the edge (-1 if infinity)
    • communityId - community Id in which edge was generated. When intra-community edge (u,v) is generated, the edge (v,u) is inserted as a reverse edge with community Id -1 since this is an undirected graph. When an epsilon edge (u,v) is generated, its community Id is -2, and the corresponding reverse edge has community Id -4.
  • ckbDynamicCoverByCommunity : Lists all nodes in a community. Lines are of the form

    1. communityId:(nodeId, startTime, endTime) or
    2. (nodeId, startTime, endTime) : Here the nodeId belongs to the community identified in the latest line of type (1)
  • ckbDynamicCoverByNode : Lists all communities of a node. Lines are of the form

    1. nodeId:(communityId, startTime, endTime) or
    2. (communityId, startTime, endTime) : Here the communityId contains the node identified in the latest line of type (1)


Datasets generated by this generator for various parameter configurations are available at