The Sensatio ESP32 firmware is used to connect ESP32 based hardware with the Sensatio Cloud and the Sensatio apps. Find out more at
- Arduino IDE ESP32 Base Library ( v1.0.5)
- ArduinoJson ( v5.13.5)
- Thingpulse SSD1306 ( v4.0.0)
- Soligen2010 fork of Adafruit_ADS1x15 ( v1.2.1
- Adafruit Unified Sensor Library ( v1.1.4)
- Adafruit DHT Sensor Library ( v1.4.1)
- Adafruit BusIO ( v1.7.0)
- Adafruit VEML6075 ( v2.1.0)
- OneWire ( v2.3.5)
- DallasTemperature ( v3.9.0)
- BME280 ( v2.3.0)
- Adafruit BME680 ( v1.1.1)
- Max44009 ( v1.2.3)
- BH1750 ( v1.2.0)
- MQTT Client Library ( v2.8.0)
- SI1145 ( v1.1.4)
Windows, Linux and Mac Users: Use pyflasher from for flashing the firmware.
Find more informations here:
And here in German: