Simple notes application which creates, read, and deletes the notes through the file which will be getting created in your local machine.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the applciation and how to install them
Node -- any versiion
NPM -- any version
A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running
- Clone the project using the command
git clone "repo-name" or download the repo
- Install the packages needed for the application using the commnand
npm install
- To use the application :
* **To add a note**
node app.js add -t='Title of the note' -b='Body of the note'
* **To get the list of notes**
node app.js list
* **To get a note**
node app.js get -t='Title of the note'
* **To remove a note**
node app.js remove -t='Title of the note'
To run the tests for application use the below command
npm test
- Senthil Kumar
This project is licensed under the MIT License