diff --git a/sephiOGame.user.ts b/sephiOGame.user.ts index a96d81e..8585de7 100644 --- a/sephiOGame.user.ts +++ b/sephiOGame.user.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // ==UserScript== // @name SephiOGame // @namespace http://www.sephiogame.com -// @version 3.8.2 +// @version 3.8.3 // @description Script Ogame // @author Sephizack,I2T // @@ -20,108 +20,12 @@ // @connect sephiogame.com // ==/UserScript== // -//History Version -//3.6.0: Sephizack- Initial version [PROD] -//3.6.1: I2T- *Add capability to set the leave slot -// I2T- *Bugs/malwritten correction -//3.6.2: I2T- *Optimization code in check frigo -// *Optimization code for the pack detection (factorize via a get_button_information function) -// Dans le cas d'une lune avec le pack, sur la page d'installation j'ai 2 erreurs: -// - Uncaught TypeError: events[i].getElementsByClassName is not a function -// xhr.onreadystatechange @ VM219314:1462 -// - Cannot read property 'join' of null(anonymous function) -// TypeError: Cannot read property 'join' of null @ VM219314:2288 -// *Antigame compatibility: Detect evolution of ressources or station (moon or planet) -// *Correction ejection by using existant functions and compatibility with antigame -// *Add last_start in storage in case of first generated rapport using own message results -// *Active "Boite de Réception" and "Corbeille" tabs -//3.6.3: I2T- *Google API integration and restricted usage of send mail feature. -// *Add email configuration in sephiOGame page -// *Correction about detection of destFleet on ejection -// *Add the direct retirement of a frigo in Galaxy and message menu -// I2T- *Compatibility correction -// I2T- *Integration of Ogame version 6.0.5 -// *Review all frigo integration (from messages) -// I2T- *Review all Auto Attack processus -// *Review the Expedition send -// I2T- *NEW- Internal communication to the attack owner in order to specified its attack has been discovered + config allowed -// (4 different sentences used in random) -// *Bug correction in butin calculation (Thousand 'M' not correctly take into account) -// *Bug correction when more than 1000GT in calculation -// *NEW- Integration of expedition personnal fleet, speed and time to spent in. -// *Bug correction when a disconnection happens during a spy launch. -// *NEW- Integration of a link to a fight report convertisseur on API button in messages' "Rapport de Combat" Tab -// -//3.6.4: I2T- *Official version integrating all beta changes -// -// I2T- *Add functionnalities -// *link with TopRaider on api button in combat and spy report -// *launch specific raid directly by clicking in target button in spy report -// I2T- *Debug functionnalities / Optimizations -// *Tools bar in messages has been debugged and improved -// *Code optimizations -// * Fixes + prevent auto attack during period -// I2T- * Fixes / Optimizations -// * Many fixes -//3.7.0: Nouveautés de la version 3.7.0 : -// Integration de la version 6.0.5 -// -Revue de l'integration de l'ensemble des frigos (depuis les messages) -// -Revue de l'ensemble du processus d'auto attaque (créneau de non attaque configurable) -// -Revue de l'envoi des expeditions -// -Revue du calcul du butin -// -Ajout de contrôles dans la gestion des frigos -// -Ajout de controles basés sur la flotte/defense de l'ennemie -// -Modification de la barre d'outil des messages (possibilité d'activer le nombre de sonde par frigo) -//3.7.1: Main evolution -// -Retructuration of the script -// -Multiple kind of auto ejection on AA desactivation -// -Add (configuration and manage) priority of ressource ejected regarding the global fleets transport capacity -// Bug corrections/Improvements -// - Improvement of nb_slot configuration saving -// - Improvement of fleets specification on ejection (new function get_fleets_capacity) -//3.7.2: * Fixed Save/Load -//3.7.3 -// - Correction "Report general" when spy report on planet was not a frigo -// - Change match regex to improve detection of old spy report on detroyed planet -//3.7.4 -// - Correction "add frigo" on galaxy view -// - Correction auto-eject bug on attack -//3.7.5 -// - Migrate starter packs to JSON data -// - Bug correction regarding frigo icons on fight report -// - Add webhook functionnality (to announce attack in webhookapps like discord) -//3.7.6 -// - Improve last version check (real call) -// - Add functionnality allowing to add MOON as frigo from galaxy and message pages -// Update spy process in order to spy moon too. -//3.7.7 -// -Auto insertion on spied frigos (insertion on access to the spy messages) -// -Compatibilité avec AGO (Antigame Origin) -// -Change spy process to add a specific return if no vessel to perform spy and add vebose explanation on error -// -Improve add_programmation_button by adding case of original button has class built-it_disabled -//3.7.8 -// -Add the function allowing to Automise added Frigo -// -Change version + comments + correction du souci dans la génération du fichier js (pas de ligne vide dans l'entete qui est sinon coupée à la génération) -//3.7.9 -// -Multiples minor correction in AutoFrigo -//3.8.0 -// -Fonction autospy added in galaxy view and allowing to detect&spy all inactive target in a predefined scope. -// -Fonction auto-rapatriement added (configurable threshold, target to centralise, ...) -// -Minor corrections (users feedback as on deletion message avec AutoAttack do not remove the foreign spy report) -// -Move SephiScript page from shipyard to galaxy in order as workarround of IG evolution limitation -//3.8.1 -// -Resolv bugs in auto-spy and auto-attack bar in sephiScript page. -//3.8.2 -// - Fix token corruption issue caused by typescript -// -Correct update ogame 6.5.2 avoiding to launch spy regarding the document referrer out of fleets, galaxy and messages pages. -declare var $: JQueryStatic; -//Compatibility with ogame update 6.5.2 -//if (gup('sephiScript') == '1' && document.referrer.match(/page=(\w+)/)[1] != "galaxy" && document.referrer.match(/page=(\w+)/)[1] != "message") window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/page=\w+/,'page=galaxy'); +declare var $: JQueryStatic; var debug = false; var antiBugTimeout = setTimeout(function(){location.href=location.href;}, 5*60*1000); -var cur_version = '3.8.2'; +var cur_version = '3.8.3'; var univers = window.location.href.split('/')[2]; class PersistedData { @@ -847,7 +751,7 @@ function change_message_actiontab() { function get_prevID_from_place(place) { ID = -1; - for (var tmpi = 0; tmpi0 && parseInt($('#prog_cur_place_'+tmpi).html()) == place) { ID = tmpi; break; @@ -936,70 +840,19 @@ function save_list_in_cookies() { verif=setTimeout(gestion_cook,2000); } - // Move prevs - if (readData("move_id", 'all') !== null && readData("move_id", 'all') !== "-1") { - haveMoved = true; - fromBlockID=parseInt(readData("move_id", 'all')); - - fromPlace = parseInt($('#prog_cur_place_'+fromBlockID).html()); - toPlace = fromPlace; - - if (readData("move", 'all') == "up") { - if (fromPlace!==0) toPlace = fromPlace-1; - else toPlace = GLOB_persistedData["listPrev"].length-1; - } - if (readData("move", 'all') == "down") { - if (fromPlace==GLOB_persistedData["listPrev"].length-1) toPlace = 0; - else toPlace = fromPlace+1; - } - - apply_move_prev(fromBlockID, fromPlace, toPlace); - for (var u_u = 0 ; u_usupprimée de votre liste de programmation !'); - // Animation - $('#block_prog_'+blockID).fadeOut(500); - setTimeout(function(){ - $('#block_prog_'+blockID).css({display: 'none'}); - $('#block_prog_'+blockID).html(''); - }, 500); - - for (var u_u = delid ; u_u0) { - $('#prog_cur_place_'+id).html(u_u); - $('#block_prog_'+id ).animate({ top: prev_positions[id] + "px" }, {duration: 200,queue: false} ); - } - } - setTimeout(function(){ - $("#support_prev_block").height(parseInt($("#support_prev_block").height()-27) + "px"); - $('#'+id_prev).height(parseInt($('#'+id_prev).height()-27) + "px"); - if (gup('page') == "overview") - $("#overviewBottom").css({'margin-top': ((parseInt($("#overviewBottom").css('margin-top').replace('px',''))-27) + "px")}); + location.href = location.href }, 200); - - verif = setTimeout(gestion_cook, 1000); } // Ajout de frigo @@ -1445,7 +1298,7 @@ function launch_spy(self? : any, override_id? : any){ wait_sec=2; } else if (dateESP.response.message.match('pas de vaisseaux') && frigo_id_to_spy == 0) { blit_message('Pas de vaisseaux pour espionner. Retour.'); - if (document.referrer.match(/page=(\w+)/)[1] != "galaxy") window.location.href = window.location.href; + if (gup("page") != "galaxy") window.location.href = window.location.href; $('#auto_attack').html('► Aucun vaisseau ne permet d\'espionner vos frigos'); $('#spy_all').html('► Espionnage des frigos terminé.'); $('#spy_all').css('color','#F02020'); @@ -2804,7 +2657,7 @@ function drop_prev() { if (isDragingPrev) { isDragingPrev=false; curPlace = parseInt($('#prog_cur_place_'+cur_prev_id).html()); - decalY = mouse.y - startMouseY; + decalY = mouse.y - startMouseY + 14; decalArray = decalY/27; newPlace = parseInt(curPlace + decalArray); if (newPlace < 0) newPlace = 0; @@ -3597,13 +3450,9 @@ var eject_all = false; var eject_onLune = false; var eject_type=''; -storeData("move_id", '-1', "all"); storeData("delete_id", '-1', "all"); var dontAddToCookies = false; -var nb_trucs_supprimed = 0; var prev_positions = new Array(); -var haveMoved = false; -var haveDel = false; var have_to_change_dropid = true; //Variable pour AA @@ -5591,7 +5440,7 @@ if (gup('sephiScript') == '1') { //Start AA if (gup('startAA') == '1') launch_spy('', 'auto_attack'); } -//document.getElementById('menuTable').innerHTML = '
  • SephiOGame
  • '+document.getElementById('menuTable').innerHTML; + document.getElementById('menuTable').innerHTML = '
  • SephiOGame
  • '+document.getElementById('menuTable').innerHTML; document.getElementById('links').style.overflow = "visible"; @@ -5608,11 +5457,6 @@ if (lastActu !== null) { if (lastActu > 16*60*60*1000 && lastActuSecu>10*60*1000) { $(document.body).on("click",function(){ storeData('lastActuTimeSecu', time().toString(), 'all'); -// document.getElementById('menuTable').innerHTML += ''; -// document.getElementById('submitpopup').click(); -// $(document.body).on("click",function(){}); -// window.focus(); -// setTimeout(function(){window.focus();},1000); }); } } else { @@ -5765,7 +5609,9 @@ if (enable_quick_pack) { } // Initialisations chiantes -for (var u_u = 0 ; u_u