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Repository files navigation script

This scripts allows to import an election from diferent easily interchangable formats.

For example, you can use a google forms to get a rough configuration of multiple elections in CSV, and then just provide this file as an input, and the output will be a directory where multiple configuration files will be created per election:

python3 --config config/config_example.json -i config/test.csv -o config/test-dir -f csv-google-forms script


Script to manage elections using both ballot-box and iam together. It allows to:

  • create an election with a census
  • start or stop the election in iam
  • send auth messages to the census

This script does not (currently) pretend to allow to do all the actions related to ballot-box or iam, only those related to iam. In cases those actions are also related to ballot-box and if it makes sense, like creating an election in both, then it allows that. But the admin/ script from ballot-box still manages other ballot-box specific tasks like doing a tally, for example.

Plugin system

The plugin system is simple, you need to create a file witch startwith plugin_, and added arguments and functions that execute this arguments. There is a example in


For any of the actions, you need to provide the --config file (see config/config_example.json for an example):

./sequent-admin --config config/config_example.json

This configuration file format is shared/global with other misc-tools commands like or

Then you execute any of the actions:

Create elections

To create an election with a census both in ballot-box and iam, you need to provide a directory with numbered files so that for each election you have 3 files: id.json, id.census.json and id.config.json. These files can be generated with the script or by other means. For example:

$ ls data/example
781.json 781.json 781.config.json

$ ./ --config config/config_example.json --create data/example

Note that the ids of the files are only to attach the files together, because the id is actually set on creation by iam and printed on screen.

Start or stop an election

You can start or stop an election in iam following this example:

$ ./ --config config/config_example.json --start id
$ ./ --config config/config_example.json --stop id

Send authentication codes to census

To send the authentication codes to the census using the message format specified in the config file, use:

$ ./ --config config/config_example.json --send-auth-codes id

Agora admin complete election:

$ ./ -C vota1.config.json -c data/vota1/
$ ./ -C vota1.config.json --start ID
$ ./ -C vota1.config.json --send-auth-codes ID
$ ./ -C vota1.config.json --stop ID
$ ./ -C vota1.config.json --tally ID
$ ./ -C vota1.config.json --calculate ID
$ ./ -C vota1.config.json --publish ID