End-to-end encrypted collaborative notes app
Security & technical details are documented at https://www.serenity.re/en/notes/technical-documentation.
npm i -g expo-cli
cd editor
# builds a index.html and copies it to app and desktop assets
yarn dist
cd ..
cd yjs
yarn dist
cd ..
# iOS/Android
cd app
# replace the API_URL in package.json with https://api.serenity.re/graphql
yarn start
# macOS
cd desktop
cd macos
npx pod-install
cd ..
# replace the API_URL in .env.development with https://api.serenity.re/graphql
npx react-native run-macos
Creating build for iOS & Android.
cd app
yarn build:ios
yarn build:android
Creating a preview build for internal distribution.
cd app
yarn build:ios:preview
Bump version in app.json & in Xcode in Target serenity-macOS
Change build configuration to release https://reactnative.dev/docs/publishing-to-app-store#2-configure-release-scheme
cd desktop
yarn build-macos
Locate the .app file in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<serenity>/Build/Products/Release
and package it as dmg: yarn create-dmg Serenity\ Notes.app
Update the app version on the backend and the website link.
Copyright 2021 Nikolaus Graf
Licensed under the AGPLv3