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SmsPilot API v1 client

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Simple wrapper around SMS pilot API v1. Version 1 because it returns more data within its standard response.


from RubyGems:

gem "sms-pilot-api-v1"

from GitHub:

gem "sms-pilot-api-v1", git: ""


Test sending SMS from console with a test API key (find it at the end of this page):

cd $(bundle info sms-pilot-api-v1 --path)



require "sms_pilot"


client = key)
client = key, locale: :en) # Available locales are [:en, :ru]

Method documentation at RubyDoc.

Before sending

There are a bunch of methods describing the state of affairs:

client.api_key          # => "YOUR API KEY"
client.balance          # => nil
client.broadcast_id     # => nil
client.error            # => nil            # => nil
client.rejected?        # => false
client.response_body    # => nil
client.response_data    # => {}
client.response_headers # => {}
client.response_status  # => nil
client.sender_blocked?  # => false
client.sms_cost         # => nil
client.sms_sent?        # => false
client.sms_status       # => nil
client.url              # => nil

before the request is sent they return obvious nils or empty structures; after the request they are populated with data.

See structured documentation for those methods at RubyDoc.

Sending SMS

client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!")
client.send_sms("+7 (902) 123-45-67", "Привет, мир!", "ФССПРФ")
# => true

Returns result of sms_sent?, so it’s either true or false.

Method documentation at RubyDoc.

Sending SMS succeeded

client.api_key          # => "YOUR API KEY"
client.balance          # => 20006.97
client.broadcast_id     # => 10000
client.error            # => nil            # => "79021234567"
client.rejected?        # => false
client.response_body    # => "{\"send\":[{\"server_id\":\"10000\",\"phone\":\"79021234567\",\"price\":\"1.68\",\"status\":\"0\"}],\"balance\":\"20006.97\",\"cost\":\"1.68\"}"
client.response_data    # => {"send"=>[{"server_id"=>"10000", "phone"=>"79021234567", "price"=>"1.68", "status"=>"0"}], "balance"=>"20006.97", "cost"=>"1.68"}
client.response_headers # => {"Server"=>"nginx", "Date"=>"Thu, 06 May 2021 04:52:58 GMT", "Content-Type"=>"application/json; charset=utf-8", "Content-Length"=>"179", "Connection"=>"close", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"=>"*"}
client.response_status  # => 200
client.sender_blocked?  # => false
client.sms_cost         # => 1.68
client.sms_sent?        # => true
client.sms_status       # => 1
client.url              # => ""

Sending SMS failed (but HTTP request succeeded)

client.api_key          # => "YOUR API KEY"
client.balance          # => nil
client.broadcast_id     # => nil
client.error            # => "Неправильный API-ключ (см. настройки API в личном кабинете) (код ошибки: 101)"            # => "79021234567"
client.rejected?        # => true
client.response_body    # => "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"101\",\"description\":\"APIKEY is invalid\",\"description_ru\":\"Неправильный API-ключ (см. настройки API в личном кабинете)\"}}"
client.response_data    # => {"error"=>{"code"=>"101", "description"=>"APIKEY is invalid", "description_ru"=>"Неправильный API-ключ (см. настройки API в личном кабинете)"}}
client.response_headers # => {"Server"=>"nginx", "Date"=>"Thu, 06 May 2021 04:52:58 GMT", "Content-Type"=>"application/json; charset=utf-8", "Content-Length"=>"179", "Connection"=>"close", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"=>"*"}
client.response_status  # => 200
client.sender_blocked?  # => false
client.sms_cost         # => nil
client.sms_sent?        # => false
client.sms_status       # => nil
client.url              # => ""

HTTP request failed

client.api_key          # => "YOUR API KEY"
client.balance          # => nil
client.broadcast_id     # => nil
client.error            # => "HTTP request failed with code 404"            # => "79021234567"
client.rejected?        # => false
client.response_body    # => "<html>\r\n<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
client.response_data    # => {}
client.response_headers # => {"Server"=>"nginx", "Date"=>"Thu, 06 May 2021 05:30:23 GMT", "Content-Type"=>"text/html", "Content-Length"=>"146", "Connection"=>"close"}
client.response_status  # => 404
client.sender_blocked?  # => false
client.sms_cost         # => nil
client.sms_sent?        # => false
client.sms_status       # => nil
client.url              # => ""

SMS pilot API docs

Test API key


API response examples

SMS sent:

  "balance": "11908.50",
  "cost": "1.68",
  "send": [
    { "server_id": "10000", "phone": "79021234567", "price": "1.68", "status": "0" }

SMS rejected:

  "error": {
    "code": "400",
    "description": "User not found",
    "description_ru": "Пользователь не найден"


See structured documentation at RubyDoc.


  • Switch to POST to escape 1024 symbolos GET request limit
  • Switch to result object pattern
  • Проверка статусов SMS
  • Проверка баланса
  • Информация о пользователе