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Service App (WIP)

Hello there!

This project is considered to explain how to combine dynamic frontend rendering with fast-and-furious Gin router from the box.

Application technical components

This application created by using Gin framework for backend as router servcie and client app using React components.

How To

Be sure, that you have installed Go 1.15.7+ and NodeJs v12+. Also there should be provided path to .env with MYSQL_* variables in backend/database/utils.go. Be sure that you are running MySql locally (check docker-compose.yml) or connection to remote MySql server is established.

  1. To build and lauch backend, follow next steps:
    • Switch in main.go file to corresponding package:
      • macos.PackageApp() -- for servicng static files in Go webview environment
      • backend.Server() -- for running Gin
    • go build main.go (if some issue occurs, run unset GOPATH)
    • ./main
  2. To build and launch frontend app:
    • Go to frontend/ directory
    • Bootstrap the project by yarn
    • Create app
      • To run locally yarn start
      • To create static bundle, perform yarn build


Here is a login screen from your running app: image