Simple and delightful traffic monitoring for your webserver!
- Easy to setup, maintain and develop
- Secure
- Optimised for desktop, iPad, Retina displays
- Scale from Megabytes to Petabytes (or whatever)
- Milestones
proper:bytes (p:b) consists of a smallish Ruby daemon for data collection from a custom logfile and a not-so-smallish JavaScript client. The daemon exports a static JSON dataset for consumption by the client, no web accessible server component is required.
- Some UNIX flavour
- PostgreSQL
- MRI-Ruby 1.9 or compatible with pg and EventMachine
- Server producing a traffic logfile (see below)
- A modern webbrowser
<hostname> <bytes received> <bytes sent>
One line represents one request. 3492 1393844 4220 60119 3821 920377
npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
bower install
grunt server