A quick demo to capture the user messages on real time basis using POSTMAN and running a ML model for sentiment analysis over the collected data using Databricks. Note: Azure Cloud Services had been used for the demo.
To run the shared notebooks , the user must have the mentioned resources set up .
- A Cloud Account with Active Subscription ( AWS, GCP, Azure, for the workshop we are running the demo on Azure Cloud).
- Any api platform ( POSTMAN is being used for demo)
- Cloud messaging Services ( We are using the Azure Bus Service for the demo)
- A databricks workspace.
- Key vault
The user will be using the POSTMAN to post messages to the Service Bus for the demo. The user needs to set up a Personal Postman Account for the same.
- The users are required to open a POSTMAN free account.
- Create a workspace or can use if there is an external workspace.
- Create a new collection.
- Once you created the account ,you need to open a new page/tab clicking on the '+' sign.
- On the new tab , select the option as "POST"
- Copy the below curl code and paste in the space against the post
curl --location 'https://databricksstreaming.servicebus.windows.net/topic1/messages'
--header 'Authorization: SharedAccessSignature sr=https%3A%2F%2Fdatabricksstreaming.servicebus.windows.net%2Ftopic1&sig=dCiyGYjowPsQBlw537yHzAzazWK/IGnWOIl2Xj2GGRM%3D&se=101682055697&skn=RootManageSharedAccessKey'
--header 'Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry;charset=utf-8'
--header 'x-ms-retrypolicy: NoRetry'
The Header tab will show three additional key as Authorization, Content-Type and x-ms-retrypolicy
Please note the Authorization Key Value to set up Postman API is a temporary token and will be invalid after the session.
You need to send a message in the Body section and type in the answer for the question as "How is your day going?"
Click the Send button.
The messages will be sent to the Service Bus.
- Click the Try Databricks
- The user will be directed towards the account page of Databricks.
- Create an community edition account by giving user's details and choosing the link below to proceed with community edition for any free trial of databricks.
- Proceed to Azure databricks account.
- We also need to create the clusters to run the notebooks, load the respective libraries into the cluster to run the notebook.
- List of libraries to be loaded as PyPI packages:
- flax
- transformers
- tensorflow
- emoji
- azure-servicebus
While in an active Databricks workspace ,
- Navigate to Data Science and Engineering space.
- Click on New button.
- Navigate to the options and select Notebook from the dropdown
- A blank notebook will come up.
- In the main page of the Databricks Account.
- Navigate to Compute option.
- Click on the create cluster on the right side of the screen.
- Fill in the option for a compute , for the below databricks solution the standard cluster properties will be enough.
For the demo purpose we have chosen,
- Databricks Runtime: 11.3 LTS (includes Apache Spark 3.3.0, Scala 2.12)
- Worker Type : Standard_DS3_V2
- Drive Type : Standard_DS3_V2
- Terminate after 10 minutes (until its required for a job, as it will incurr cost)
- Access Mode : Single User
- This fetches less cost.
- Open the Compute Tab as earlier.
- Open the cluster created by clicking on it.
- You will find "Libraries" option in the header , Select the "Libearies" Tab.
- Click on Install Libraries option.
- Select the PyPI option
- Insert the name of above libraries (one at a time) in the Package test box.
- Click the Install
The following notebook message_processing.py contains the code snippet for the below actions.
- Calling the Azure Bus Service to get the messages. (an Azure Service Bus under the same create a topic and subscription to capture the data).
- Please note that The Azure Bus Service is created earlier to the workshop and a temporary access token will be shared with user , to send the message to the Azure Bus Service.
- Running a pre-trained transformer model for sentiment analysis. (Note:Pre-trained model are from hugging face which has been trained on previous data , more information can be obtained on the Huggingface Models list)
- Tagging the data with the orginal messages.
- Storing the predicted results in the delta lake
- Visualizations in the dashboard will be demonstrated over the results of the model .