This project is all about an ecommerce store which sells gadgets. This project was made by Shivam Soni by using MERN Stack by using Vite. It stores user login data and stores it in MongoDB by hashing the password using bcyptjs. On login user is provided with a token which is saved in localstorage of the user. User's can update their details if they want and it displays the user's transactions, orders, saved addresses which is saved in the DB.
npm run build
npm start
PORT - The web app runs on this port
NODE_ENV - Shows users a message if it is not in production mode
MONGODB_URI - This is the MongoDB atlas url where the DB is located and data is saved
VITE_HOST - This tells the website on which url it is deployed
JWT_SECRET - This is a secret message for jsonwebtoken to be sent to user and will be verified
bcryptjs - This is used to hash the password input by the user
dotenv - This stores secret details such as environment variables
express - This is the server on which the backend is made
express-validator - This verifies that entries by the user are in a valid format
jsonwebtoken - This provides user a unique token so that they doesn't have to login again and again
mongoose - This is used to connect the backend to the MongoDB
vite - This is a frontend tool to enhance development experience