Data Structures and Algorithms Implementation
- Priority Queue
- Hash Table
- Heaps
- Trees and Advanced Trees
- Graphs
- Greedy Algorithms
- Dynamic Programming
- Sorting and Searching (already done, but will do it in a systematic manner again)
Problems that are hard for me
- Replace 'Pi'.
- Holiday Accomodation.
Revision (Must)
Revise from Apni Kaksha
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort (Not so much, but still)
- All recursion problems. (N Queen (isSafe function), Sudoku Solver)
- Binary Search Problems (Book Allocation, Aggressive Cows etc)
- Dynamic Programming Problems (Coin Change)
- BackTracking (Rat in a Maze, N Queen, Sudoku, Knights Tour)
- STL revision.
- Greedy Problems.
- BFS Problem (Snake and Ladders). I'll have to revisit later.
- Topological Sorting using BFS.
Data-Structures that I enjoyed the most
- Segment Trees.
- Segment Trees with Lazy Propagation.
- Graph BFS/DFS.
- BST Implementation.
Expected Areas of Work
- Floorplanning.
- Routing.
- Timing Problems.