Poor Val, she's not having a good day. There she was on her way back from orbit, and this happened:
You see, I forgot to take her shiny new ship for a test flight before sending it to space, so the reaction wheels failed. Then her oxygen started venting into space. So she quickly burned retrograde and started her re-entry. Except that as she came into land, the parachute failed too. Like I said, not a good day.
Sound exciting? Then why don't you install Oh Scrap! today.
- Part Failures: Parachutes, Engines, Gimbals, Resources, Batteries, Reaction Wheels, Control Surfaces - all these failures can make your day turn out like Vals. (all can be disabled or enabled through the difficulty settings menu)
- Failures follow the bathtub curve - brand new untested parts are more likely to fail than pre-tested models. If you re-use a part too many times though, it will reach the end of it's shelf-life and be more prone to failure.
- Subsequent "new models" of parts become more reliable than their earlier counterparts. Ie, a part you've just researched is more likely to fail than a part that has been tried and tested many times - even if it's brand new.
- Repairs - some parts can be repaired remotely, some need an EVA. You always have a better chance of repairing a part on EVA
- @magico13 both for ScrapYard, and helping [me] with all my questions issues while making this.
- @severedsolo
- The maintainers/authors of DangIt - most of this would never have happened without looking at your code to figure out how to make stuff work.
- Use CKAN
A note to CKAN USERS:
- Kerbal Changelog is not a hard dependency, in that "Oh Scrap will load just fine without it".
- However, on CKAN it is a dependency.
- When I make a serious save / mod breaking change, CKAN will happily update you without you ever seeing a changelog. This means you could happily load your save, not notice the major version number has changed, and seriously break something. I do not like this. So CKAN users must use Kerbal Changelog, because that way nobody can say they weren't warned :).
See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes
- Kerbal Space Program v1.9.1, may work on earlier versions (YMMV)
- ScrapYard to keep track of how many times a part has been built/recovered so that is a hard dependency. (obtained separately)
- Module Manager is required if you want the mod to actually do anything. (obtained separately)
- Kerbal Changelog
- Kerbal Construction Time designed with this with in mind, so would recommend that mod (make sure you use the latest dev version)
- StageRecovery If you plan to actually re-use your parts (and have them fail), you'll probably want StageRecovery too
- RemoteTech
zer0Kerbal's Stuff - Docking Port Descriptions
- On Demand Fuel Cells (Refueled)
- SimpleLife
- MoarKerbals
- SimpleConstruction)
- Not So SimpleConstruction (NSSC)
- SimpleLogistics
- Biomatic
- B9StockPatches
- DaMichel's AeroRadial
- DaMichel's CargoBays
- DaMichel's Fuselage
- DaMichel's SphericalTanks
Source: GitHub
- All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses
- All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses
Download Here
Source: GitHub
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date