This is a collection of additional CMake modules. Most of them are from Ryan Pavlik (
These modules are probably best placed wholesale into a "cmake" subdirectory of your project source.
If you use Git, try installing git-subtree, so you can easily use this repository for subtree merges, updating simply.
For the initial checkout:
cd projectdir
git subtree add --squash --prefix=cmake master
For updates:
cd projectdir
git subtree pull --squash --prefix=cmake master
For pushing to upstream:
cd projectdir
git subtree push --prefix=cmake master
At the minimum, all you have to do is add a line like this near the top of your root CMakeLists.txt file (but not before your project() call):
The modules that are written by Ryan Pavlik are all subject to this license:
Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2011
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file
or copy at
Modules based on those included with CMake as well as modules added by me (Lars Bilke) are under the OSI-approved BSD license, which is included in each of those modules. A few other modules are modified from other sources - when in doubt, look at the .cmake.
If you find this file inside of another project, rather at the top-level directory, you're in a separate project that is making use of these modules. That separate project can (and probably does) have its own license specifics.