A classic game of minesweeper made using ASCII characters.
Made in C using Code::Blocks IDE with GNU GCC compiler.
Library used: <windows.h>
- Use your mouse to open a square.
- A number on the square denotes the number of mines in the adjacent 8 squares. For eg:
X | X | X |
X | 4 | X |
X | X | X |
- here 4 denotes that there are 4 mines in the adjacent 8 squares
- Press the yellow button to pick a flag.
- The button turns red when a flag is picked. You can then place it on any square.
- To win the game, you need to place all the flags on all the squares having mines.
- If you open a mine, you lose.
Shivam Shekhar
Email: shivam.shekhar.ece14@itbhu.ac.in