Make with cmake. On Debian 12, using the default LLVM 16
and libz3
dependencies from apt
can work. Requires Run
to run the main pass. The llvm pass to run is implemented in MainPass.cpp
Sort three numbers less than 100 and return them in one integer. E.g. for input 5 4 3, it returns 30405. The output of WP is complex. Solve it with an online z3 demo using the following template:
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(assert (the WP expr))
(apply ctx-solver-simplify)
, we get
(let ((a!1 (not (<= 1234567 (+ a (* 10000 c) (* 100 b)))))
(a!2 (not (<= 1234567 (+ a (* 10000 b) (* 100 c)))))
(a!3 (not (<= 1234567 (+ c (* b 10000) (* 100 a)))))
(a!6 (not (<= 1234567 (+ b (* c 10000) (* a 100)))))
(a!7 (and (not (> b a)) (< (+ a (* c 10000) (* b 100)) 1234567)))
(a!9 (not (<= 1234567 (+ b (* 10000 a) (* c 100)))))
(a!10 (not (<= 1234567 (+ c (* a 10000) (* b 100))))))
(let ((a!4 (or (and (> a c) a!2) (and (not (> a c)) a!3)))
(a!8 (and (> a c) (or (and (> b a) a!6) a!7)))
(a!11 (or (and (> b c) a!9) (and (not (> b c)) a!10))))
(let ((a!5 (or (and (not (<= b c)) (> b c) (> a b) a!1)
(and (not (> b c)) a!4)))
(a!12 (or a!8 (and (not (> a c)) a!11))))
(or (and (not (<= a b)) (> a b) a!5) (and (not (> a b)) a!12)))))
:precision precise :depth 1)
There should be 6 permutations of a, b and c. For each permutation, we could find its corresponding conditions.