Optimal policies for mitigating pandemic costs
Credits: S Ganga Prasath, Mattia Serra, Salem Mosleh, Vidya Raju
Reference: arXiv:2007.11178
OpenOCL ref: Koenemann, Jonas, et al. "OpenOCL–Open Optimal Control Library." (2017).
This code contains optimal control of a two-age structured SIR model using OpenOCL, described in detail in arXiv:2007.11178. The parameters in this code are estimated from COVID-19 spread in Germany.
For a simplified version of this, please use 1D_webpage.zip which is a one population version of SIR with optimal control. Please click here for detailed analysis of the 1D version.
If you want to run the code, extract OpenOCL.zip in the same folder and run 'runMulti.m'. For any queries regarding the code, please contact gangaprasath@seas.harvard.edu.