gini is a utility to make some basic operations on ini files.
Tool to get/set key from an ini file.
gini [command]
Available Commands:
del delete a key from an ini file
delsection delete all keys of a section
get retrieve a key from an ini file
help Help about any command
set add/update key/value
version print version of gini
-h, --help help for gini
--i string init file to read/update
--k string key to read or update
--s string section of ini file (can be empty)
Use "gini [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The set command have two more options:
gini set -h
add/update key/value in the desired section (can be empty)
gini set [flags]
--c create file if no present
-h, --help help for set
--v string value to set
Global Flags:
--i string init file to read/update
--k string key to read or update
--s string section of ini file (can be empty)
$ gini get --k key --i tests/test.ini
$ gini get --k key2 --i tests/test.ini --s section
$ gini get --k keyThatDoNotExists --i tests/test.ini
$ echo $?
- Download the release
- Install the binary in /usr/local/bin
asdf plugin-add gini
asdf install gini latest
brew tap sgaunet/tools
brew install gini
This project is using :
- golang 1.19+
- task for development
- docker
- docker buildx
- docker manifest
- goreleaser
- Principle package of the CLI
The docker image is only created to simplify the copy of gini in another docker image.
Tests are executed with venom.
task tests