Tool report issues of a gitlab project. The tool is in beta actually, the command line can change, the options too...
Copy the binary to /usr/local/bin for example. (or another directory which is in your PATH).
Usage of gitlab-issue-report:
only closed issues
issues filtered with created date (updated date by default)
-d string
Debug level (info,warn,debug) (default "error")
-g int
Group ID to get issues from (not compatible with -p option)
-i string
interval, ex /-1/ :: to describe ... (default "/-1/ ::")
only opened issues
-p int
Project ID to get issues from
-v Get version
2 environement variables can be set :
- GITLAB_TOKEN: used to access to private repositories
- GITLAB_URI: to specify another instance of Gitlab (if not set, GITLAB_URI is set to
This project is using :
- golang
- task for development
- docker
- docker buildx
- docker manifest
- goreleaser
- venom : Tests
- pre-commit
There are hooks executed in the precommit stage. Once the project cloned on your disk, please install pre-commit:
brew install pre-commit
Install tools:
task install-prereq
And install the hooks:
task install-pre-commit
If you like to launch manually the pre-commmit hook:
task pre-commit