This docker image is for running sonarqube on unity3d projects.
It uses unityci/editor as a base.
To build for your unity version, you'd run something like this;
export UNITY_VERSION=2020.1.13f1
export IMAGE_VERSION=0.12
docker build --build-arg UNITY_VERSION=$UNITY_VERSION -t shadowbert/unityci:$UNITY_VERSION-sonarqube-$IMAGE_VERSION .
The version of the image I'm using are found on dockerhub. Feel free to raise a PR or Issue if the version you need isn't there.
To actually use the image, you'll need to set up your pipelines. Note: I use gitlab personally, but I'm sure the permise of these commands is translatable to whatever runners you are using. These hopefully would suffice to guide your pipeline modifications.
- Set up your unity build as per the instructions on the site
- Set $SONAR_PROJECT_KEY and $SONAR_HOST_URL according to your instance of sonarqube.
- Make sure the com.unity.ide.rider package is installed in your project.
- Run the following commands at the end of your build.
# Add dotnet to the path
- "export PATH=\"$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet/tools\""
# Generate the solution and csproj files
- chmod +x ./ci/ && ./ci/
# dotnet freaks out if there are multiple csprojs in the working directory.
# so to avoid this issue, I just create a temporary directory to step into.
# As I'm specifying the sln, it doesn't matter to the build.
- mkdir sonar && cd sonar
# Finally, run sonarqube.
- "dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:\"$SONAR_PROJECT_KEY\" /d:sonar.login=\"$SONAR_TOKEN\" /d:\"$SONAR_HOST_URL\""
- "dotnet build ../*.sln"
- "dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login=\"$SONAR_TOKEN\""