Welcome to a simple command-line chess game implemented in C++. This two-player chess game allows players to enjoy the classic game of chess right on their terminal.
- Two-player chess game.
- Basic move validation and check detection.
- Castling and promotion functionality.
- Replay feature to watch the game again.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You have a C++ compiler installed on your machine.
- You have a basic understanding of how to run C++ programs.
Clone or Download: Start by cloning this repository to your local machine or download it as a ZIP archive.
Compile the Source Code: Use your C++ compiler to compile the source code. For example, you can use g++:
g++ chess_game.cpp -o chess_game
Run the Game: Execute the compiled program:
Game Instructions: The game provides instructions within the console. Follow the on-screen prompts to make moves using source and target coordinates (e.g.,
1 0 2 2
). You can also input111
for castling moves. -
Take Turns: Players take turns making their moves. The game continues until one player wins, it ends in a stalemate, or the players choose to quit.
Replay Feature: After the game ends, you can choose to watch a replay of the game to relive the action.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, we welcome your contributions! Please follow these guidelines:
Fork the Project: Fork the project on GitHub.
Create a New Branch: Create a new branch on your forked repository.
Commit Your Changes: Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
Push Your Branch: Push your branch to your fork on GitHub.
Submit a Pull Request: Create a pull request on the main repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Special thanks to [Your Name] for inspiration and guidance.
If you have questions, feedback, or encounter issues with the game, feel free to reach out to the project maintainers or create a GitHub issue.
Have fun playing the game! Good luck and may the best player win!