MVVM-Architecture Components(Data-Binding, Room, ViewModel, LiveData), Dagger2, Retrofit and RxAndroid and Backend in NodeJS with mongodb hosted on Raspberry-Pi-3 at home :).
- Clean MVVM architecture with ViewModel and LiveData Library.
- Display Courses from REST API/JSON file using Retrofit2+RxJava2+Dagger2.
- Room persistence library for storing data for offline access.
Developed a REST-API in NodeJS with ExpressJs middleware that performs CRUD operations.
Database on MongoDB cloud(mlab) with data validations using JOI and MONGOOSE library.
Hosted Node Server on RaspberryPI-3 at home by staticIP and PORT Forwarding.
API Endpoint:
Note : If you can not access above endpoint then it might be a power-cut or Raspberry-Pi stopped, Please try again after few hours.