Restaurant Management System in Python, incorporating insights from expert ratings and addressing potential shortcomings: Core Functionalities:
- Create, view, edit, and delete menu items.
- Include detailed information like dish names, descriptions, prices, category (appetizer, main course, etc.), and customizable options (size, toppings).
- Validate user input for data integrity (e.g., prevent negative prices).
- Allow staff to take orders efficiently, selecting items from the menu.
- Enable quantity selection for each dish.
- Implement table management to track orders for specific tables or takeout.
- Consider offering order modification options during the process.
- Calculate bills accurately based on order details and menu prices.
- Handle tax calculations, discounts (percentage or fixed amount), and service charges.
- Provide multiple payment options (cash, credit card, etc.) with proper input validation for payment details.
- Generate receipts with itemized information, total cost, and payment method.