Life Pro Tips is a full-stack app inspired by a famous subreddit /r/LifeProTips featuring usefull life hacks and tips.
- Create or like posts anonymously
- Register or login with Google
- Create, Read, Update or Delete posts
- Comment, like and share you favorites
- Change your name or profile picture in profile settings
- Search & sort to find what you like easier
LPT is a full-stack app, with this repository containing a back-end side built with Node/Express. The front end repo can be found here.
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework
- MongoDB - MongoDB Atlas - no-SQL Database for storing userdata and content
- Mongoose - elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js
- Passport - local and Google Auth
Hosted on Heroku
- React - state management with Context API and useReducer
- Axios - API calls
- Material-UI - styling and UI.
- Cloudinary - user profile picture upload storage
Hosted on Vercel
Installation guidelines for back-end only. Front-end can be found in corresponding repo.
- Clone the repo
npm install
- In root folder create a
file and add your API keys
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = "google auth: found in you Google Cloud Console account"
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= "google auth: found in you Google Cloud Console account"
GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL= "google auth: found in you Google Cloud Console account"
CORS_ORIGIN = "Front end adress for cors, default is http://localhost:8081 or wahtever port you specify in frontend .env file"
JWT_SECRET= "your secret (any string)"
SESSION_SECRET = "your secret (any string)"
DB_URL="mongodb adress, Atlas example: mongodb+srv://"
ADMIN_ID = "database user id of user with admin priveleges: edit and delete any user post from dashboard (optional)"
- Then
node server.js
If you like this project and would like to contribute feel free to send a PR or simply add an issue with feature or bug fix request