This is the final project to graducate at Udacity Cloud DevOps Nanodegree. The project requires to setup k8s cluster on AWS and deploy the dockerized app implementing CI/CD with Jenkins.
- Jenkins
- Golang
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- CloudFormation
- Makefile
- Anchore inline scan for vulnerability
- hadolint for Dockerfile linting
- aws-cli
- make
- Create Github repository with project code.
- Use image repository to store Docker images
- Execute linting step in code pipeline
- Build a Docker container in a pipeline
- The Docker container is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster
- K8s Deployment Template
- Use Blue/Green Deployment or a Rolling Deployment successfully
- Screenshots
- Perform additional CI steps in the pipeline outside of just linting
- Perform security scanning of the Docker containers
- Post-deployment add testing of your application