Custom UIPickerView with scale UI
To run the example project,download the project and run.
Swift 3.0
Xcode 9.0
Copy the createScaleView() function and paste it in your swift file
/*Basic Usage
createScaleView is a function which returns a UIView which can be added as picker view.
rowHeight - pass the height of row of pickerview.This should be equal
title - text needed to display
pickerView - pass you pickerview
createScaleView(rowHeight: 80, title: "\(rowData)cm", pickerView: pickerView)
createScaleView(rowHeight: rowHeight, widthOfScaleView: rowHeight, numberOfSeperation: 7, title: IndexPath.row, bgColor: .red, lineColor: .white, titleColor: .white, pickerView: pickerView, fontSize: 25)