This code is able to wish good morning,good afternoon,good evening by using datetime module of python. def wishme(): hrs = int(
if hrs>=12 and hrs<0:
speak("good morning!")
elif hrs>=0 and hrs<5:
speak("good afternoon!")
elif hrs>5 and time<8:
speak('good evening!')
speak("hello there!")
it can listen to your instructions and convert them to text and print on scrren by writting user said...
def takecommand():
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
r.pause_threashold = 3 \\stops for 3 second until user say something.
audio = r.listen(source)
query = None
query = r.recognize_google(audio,language='en-uk')
print(f"user said : {query}\n")
except Exception as e:
query = None
speak("please say that again..")
return query \\query is what the user said.
this can open youtube,google,map. #logic for executing task.
if 'exit'in query.lower():
say('thank you!')
elif 'open youtube' in query.lower():
speak('opening youtube')"")
elif 'open facebook' in query.lower():
speak('facebook is opening')"")
elif 'Google' in query:
speak('browsing to')"")
elif 'location' in query.lower():
speak('opening google maps')'')
This is also able to search any thing on wikipedia and read out 3 sentences.
elif 'Wikipedia' in query:
speak("searching wikipedia....")
query = query.replace("wikipedia","")
results = wikipedia.summary(query,sentences=3)
install and import the following modules for running this in your python environment.
import pyttsx3
import datetime
import speech_recognition as sr
import wikipedia
import webbrowser
import os
import smtplib
import pythoncom.