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Supported CSS Selectors

Steve Hannah edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 8 revisions

Since Codename One stylesheets are meant to be used with Codename One component hierarchies instead of XML/HTML documents, selectors work a little differently.

  1. All selectors (with some specific exceptions discussed below) are interpreted as UIIDs.

  2. Only 4 predefined CSS classes are supported:

  3. .pressed - Targets the component when in "Pressed" state.

  4. .selected - Targets the component when in "Selected" state.

  5. .unselected - Targets the component when in "Unselected" state.

  6. .disabled - Targets the component when in "Disabled" state.

    If no class is specified, then the selector targets "all" states of the given component.

The following are a few possible selectors you can include in your stylesheet.

  1. Button - Defines styles for the "Button" UIID.

  2. Button.pressed - Defines styles for the "Button" UIID’s "pressed" state.

  3. Button, TextField, Form - Defines styles for the "Button", "TextField", and "Form" UIIDs.

Example 1:

The following example creates a simple button with a border, and text aligned center. By default the button will have a transparent background, but when it is pressed, it will have a gray background:

Button {
    text-align: center;
    border: 1pt solid gray;
    background-color: transparent;

Button.pressed {
    background-color: gray;

Example 2: Inheriting properties using cn1-derive

The following example defines a custom Button style named "MyButton" that inherits all of the styles of Button but changes the background color to blue.

MyButton {
   cn1-derive: Button;
   background-color: blue;

Special Selectors


The #Device selector allows you to define which device resolutions this CSS file should target. Mutli-images generated from this style-sheet will only be include variants for device resolutions in the range (min-resolution, max-resolution) as defined in this section. By default all resolutions are generated.

#Device {
    min-resolution: 120dpi;
    max-resolution: 480dpi;
    resolution: 480dpi;


The #Constants selector allows you to specify theme constants.


#Constants {
    PopupDialogArrowBool: false;
    calTitleDayStyleBool: true;
    calTransitionVertBool: false;
    calendarLeftImage: "calendar-arrow-left.png";
    calendarRightImage: "calendar-arrow-right.png";
    centeredPopupBool: false;
    checkBoxCheckDisFocusImage: "Check-Box_Normal.png";
    checkBoxCheckedFocusImage: "Check-Box_Press.png";
    checkBoxCheckedImage: "Check-Box_Press.png";
    checkBoxOppositeSideBool: true;
    checkBoxUncheckedFocusImage: "Check-Box_Normal.png";
    checkBoxUncheckedImage: "Check-Box_Normal.png";
    comboImage: "combo.png";
    commandBehavior: "Side";
    dialogTransitionIn: "fade";
    dialogTransitionOut: "fade";
    dlgButtonCommandUIID: "DialogButton";
    dlgCommandGridBool: true;
    dlgInvisibleButtons: #1a1a1a;
    formTransitionIn: "empty";
    formTransitionOut: "slide";
    includeNativeBool: true;
    menuImage: "of_menu.png";
    noTextModeBool: true;
    onOffIOSModeBool: true;
    otherPopupRendererBool: false;
    pureTouchBool: true;
    radioSelectedFocusImage: "Radio_btn_Press.png";
    radioSelectedImage: "Radio_btn_Press.png";
    radioUnselectedFocusImage: "Radio_btn_Normal.png";
    radioUnselectedImage: "Radio_btn_Normal.png";
    sideMenuImage: "menu.png";
    switchMaskImage: "switch-mask-3.png";
    switchOffImage: "switch-off-3.png";
    switchOnImage: "switch-on-3.png";
    tabPlacementInt: 0;
    backIconImage: "Back-icon.png";
    articleSourceIconImage: "Source-icon.png";
    articleDateIconImage: "Date-icon.png";
    articleArrowRightImage: "Arrow-right.png";
    articleShareIconImage: "Share-icon.png";
    articleBookmarkIconImage: "Bookmark-icon.png";
    articleTextIconImage: "Text-icon.png";
    articleCommentsIconImage: "Comments-icon.png";
    newsIconImage: "News-icon.png";
    channelsIconImage: "Channels-icon.png";
    bookmarksIconImage: "Bookmarks-icon.png";
    overviewIconImage: "Overview-icon.png";
    calendarIconImage: "Calendar-icon.png";
    timelineIconImage: "Timeline-icon.png";
    profileIconImage: "Profile-icon.png";
    widgetsIconImage: "Widgets-icon.png";
    settingsIconImage: "Settings-icon.png";
    SubmitIconImage: "Submit-icon.png";
    SubmitIconDarkImage: "SubmitButtonLight-icon.png";


In the above example, the constants referring to an image name as a string requires that the image exists in one of the following locations:

  1. res/<cssfilename>/<imageName>

  2. ../res/<cssfilename>/<imageName>

  3. ../../res/<cssfilename>/<imageName>

or that it has been defined as a background image in some selector in this CSS file.


The Default selector is special in that it will set properties on the theme’s "default" element. The default element is a special UIID in Codename One from which all other UIIDs in the same theme are derived. This is a good place to set things like default fonts or background-colors.

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