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Redux-saga fetch worker.

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If you want to say thank you.

Install with npm:

npm install saga-fetch

With yarn:

yarn add saga-fetch



  • action: Action from dispatched type that specified in yours watcher.
  • method: Yours API fetch method, has an action you specified before. It must return a window.fetch() or axios.get() promise.
  • start: Ajax was started. Also will be dispatched with the payload from the action.
  • success: If request was successful saga-fetch will dispatch this action with responsed data as an argument.
  • error: Dispatch an error with an actual error.


  • fulfill: If you pass an action it will be dispatched anyway at the end of ajax process. Useful to change loading state to false. When it's despatched it has the same payload as an action option.
  • cancel: This action will be dispatched if worker is cancelled. By default it has type ${action.type}/CANCELLED and payload same with action option. Note: It's not an ajax cancellation. To cancel yours ajax within saga's cancellation you can use axios and implement yours method like that.


import { fork, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import fetchWorker from 'saga-fetch';

import {
} from './actions';

const searchPages = ({ payload: { title } }) => fetch(`/search/pages?title=${title}`)
   or with axios
   const searchPages = ({ payload: { title } }) => axios.get(`/search/pages?title=${title}`)

function* searchPagesWorker(action) {
  yield fork(fetchWorker, {
      method: searchPages,
      start: searchPagesStart,
      success: searchPagesSuccess,
      error: searchPagesError,
      fulfill: searchPagesFulfill

function* searchPagesWatcher() {
    yield takeEvery('SEARCH_PAGE', searchPagesWorker);

Example with axios, takeLatest, redux-saga-routines and redux-actions:

// routines.js
import { createRoutine } from 'redux-saga-routines';

export default createRoutine('search/pages');
// api.js
import axios, { CancelToken } from 'axios';
import { CANCEL } from 'redux-saga';

export const searchPages = ({ payload: { title } }) => {
  const url = `/search/pages?title=${title}`;
  const source = CancelToken.source();
  const request = axios.get(url, { cancelToken: source.token });
  request[CANCEL] = () => source.cancel();
  return request;
// saga.js
import { fork, takeLatest, delay } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import fetch from 'saga-fetch';

import { searchPages } from './api';
import search from './routines';

function* searchPagesWorker(action) {
  yield delay(142);
  yield fork(fetch, {
      method: searchPages,
      start: search.request,
      success: search.success,
      error: search.failure,
      fulfill: search.fulfill

export default function* searchPagesWatcher() {
  yield takeLatest(search.TRIGGER, searchPagesWorker);
// reducers.js
import { handleActions } from 'redux-actions';

import search from './routines';

const initialState = {
  loading: false,
  error: {
    message: '',
    code: 0
  results: [],

export default handleActions({
  // you also can use TRIGGER as well
  [search.REQUEST]: state => ({
    loading: true

  [search.SUCCESS]: (state, { payload: results }) => ({

  [search.FAILURE]: (state, { payload: error }) => ({

  [search.FULFILL]: state => ({
    loading: false

Note to the last example:

if want need to create a routine with CANCELLED state you may use extend-saga-routines