- observeStore
- observe Component
Helper Functions (To use with react-redux)
- createAreStatePropsEqual
- shallowArrayEquals
import { createSchema } from 'redux-patterns'
const user = createSchema('user');
// Create specific reducers
const reducer = combineReducers({
user: user.reducer([{ id: 0, name: 'Zero' }]), // Initialize with initial records
// Schema specific actions
store.dispatch(user.insert({ id: 1, name: 'john' }));
store.dispatch(user.update({ id: 1, name: 'jane', type: 'admin' }));
store.dispatch(user.replace({ id: 1, name: 'smith' }));
store.dispatch(user.upsert({ id: 2, name: 'will' }));
Use createIndex
to create a index on one or more fields of the
import { createIndex, createSchema, Order } from 'redux-patterns';
// create index with a unique name, and a value extractor
const JoinedIndex = createIndex('joined', rec => moment(rec.joined).format('YYYYMMDD'), Order.DESC);
const User = createSchema('user');
const reducer = combineReducers({
user: User.reducer([
{ id: 1, joined: new Date('2019-01-01T06:00')},
{ id: 2, joined: new Date('2019-01-02T06:03')},
], [JoinedIndex]),
const store = createStore(reducer);
// Extract all unique values for the index
JoinedIndex.values(store.getState().user); // ['20190102', '20190101']
// Extract all ids for the given index value
JoinedIndex.allIds(store.getState().user, '20190102'); // [1]
JoinedIndex.allIds(store.getState().user, JoinedIndex.getValue(rec));
A partial reducer encourages defining an action and it's corresponding reducer effect at the same place.
const partialReducer = new PartialReducer();
const fooAction = (partialReducer) => {
partialReducer.add('foo', (state, { f1, f2 }) => ({
foo: { f1, f2 },
return (f1, f2) => ({
type: 'foo',
payload: { f1, f2 },
const barAction = (partialReducer) => {
partialReducer.add('bar', (state, { b1, b2 }) => ({
bar: { b1, b2 },
return (b1, b2) => ({
type: 'bar',
payload: { b1, b2 },
export const actions = {
foo: fooAction(partialReducer),
bar: barAction(partialReducer),
export const reducer = partialReducer.getReducer();
An observe component reacts to changes on value without any concern on how the value had changed.
const DisplayPage = ({ appointments }) => {
if (appointments === null) {
return (<div>Loading...</div>);
return (
{ appointments.map(a => <div key={a.id}>{a.title}</div>) }
const observation = (month, { dispatch, setProps }) => {
// clear the appointments
// dispatch(clearAppointments());
setProps({ appointments: null });
// Make an api call to get all the appointments
const appointments = await api.getAppointments(month);
// Update the appointments
// dispatch(setAppointments(appointments));
setProps({ appointments });
const getMonth = state => `${state.year}-${state.month}`;
export connect(mapStateToProps)(observe(observation, getMonth)(DisplayPage));