This repository presents the experiments of the paper:
Uncertainty on Asynchronous Time Event Prediction
Marin Bilos, Bertrand Charpentier, Stephan Günnemann
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019. Spotlight talk
In order to train the models described in the paper:
python src/
Parameters can be changed in src/
. Default parameters are:
## General config
model_name = 'dirichlet' # ['gp', 'dirichlet', 'dpp']
dataset_name = 'random_graph' # ['mooc', 'random_graph', 'smart-home-A', 'stack_overflow']
max_epochs = 1000 # Maximum number of epochs
patience = 10 # After how many iterations to stop the training
batch_size = 32 # How many sequences in each batch during training
rnn_hidden_dim = 64 # Size of RNN hidden state
mark_emb_dim = 64 # Size of input mark embedding vector
layer_hidden_dim = 64 # Size of a hidden layer that generates pseude points from RNN hidden state
n_layers = 2 # Number of layers that generate points (for GP)
n_points = 20 # Number of points to generate
n_samples = 10 # Number of samples to use in Monte Carlo estimations (if used)
alpha = 1e-3 # Alpha regularization param (eq. 7)
beta = 1e-3 # Beta regularization param (eq. 7)
lr = 1e-3 # Learning rate of Adam optimizer
regularization = 1e-3 # L2 regularization
Please cite our paper if you use the model or this code in your own work:
title = {Uncertainty on Asynchronous Time Event Prediction},
author = {Bilo\v{s}, Marin and Charpentier, Bertrand and G\"{u}nnemann, Stephan},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32},
editor = {H. Wallach and H. Larochelle and A. Beygelzimer and F. d\textquotesingle Alch\'{e}-Buc and E. Fox and R. Garnett},
pages = {12851--12860},
year = {2019},
publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
url = {}