Implementing Linear Regression model using Spark
src : Consists of python source code
out : Consists of the two output files yxlin.out yxlin2.out using ordinary least squares estimate
gd-out : Consists of the two output files yxlin.out yxlin2.out using gradient descent
Used the closed form expression for the ordinary least squares estimate of the linear regression coefficients
Steps for running the code:
-> Putting the input files in the hdfs
hdfs dfs -put yxlin.csv
hdfs dfs -put yxlin2.csv
-> Going to the root directory and then going to the bin directory
cd /usr/lib/spark/bin
-> Running the spark program for the two input files
spark-submit /users/shashank/ yxlin.csv
spark-submit /users/shashank/ yxlin2.csv
Gradient Descent approach to calculate regression coefficients : alpha= 0.001 and iterations = 500
The following formula is used for gradient descent: beta = beta+alphasummation(Xtrans (Y - Xbeta))
First, the summation term is calculated by mapper and emitted as "keyA". The reducer adds up all the terms which has "keyA". The above term is multiplied by alpha and added to previous beta value to get the new beta value.
I have assumed the initial Beta value to be a matrix of all 0's.
Steps for running the code:
-> Putting the input files in the hdfs
hdfs dfs -put yxlin.csv
hdfs dfs -put yxlin2.csv
-> Going to the root directory and then going to the bin directory
cd /usr/lib/spark/bin
-> Running the spark program for the two input files
spark-submit /users/shashank/ yxlin.csv 0.001 500
spark-submit /users/shashank/ yxlin2.csv 0.001 500