The project runs Graylog + Fluentd (Logs servers).
Uses the following micro service applications:
- App Graylog
- Fluentd-collector
- Mongo database
- Elasticsearch stack
- Prometeus Exporters
- App Backup database
Create Docker swarm cluster here
Before deploying the project, install Docker, Docker Compose latest versions.
For installation: To install, run:
Do a git clone.
Create an .env file and fill with variables:
cp ./.env.swarm.temp ./.env
- Build and push fluentd collector image
cp ./fluentd-collector/fluent.conf.graylog.temp ././fluentd-collector/fluent.conf
docker build ./fluentd-collector/ -t <<You remote Docker Registry>>/fluentd-collector:latest --no-cache
docker pull <<You remote Docker Registry>>/fluentd-collector:latest
- Build and push mongo-setup collector image
cp ./docker/mongo-setup/scripts/ ./docker/mongo-setup/scripts/
docker build ./docker/mongo-setup/ -t <<You remote Docker Registry>>/mongo-setup:latest --no-cache
docker pull <<You remote Docker Registry>>/mongo-setup:latest
- Run the project
env $(cat .env | grep ^[A-Z] | xargs) docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth --compose-file docker-swarm.yaml graylog
We recommend using Gitlab CI using secure docker remote socket.
For installation: To install, run:
Do a git clone.
Create an .env file and fill with variables:
cp ./.env.compose.temp ./.env
- Run the project
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
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