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A Declarative Data Grid for ember that is scalable to millions of rows. Each cell can be defined simply and quickly or fully customised.

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  • npm install --save ember-grid

If you have ember-cli installed globally, you can view the sample application by cloning the repository and running

  • npm install && bower install
  • ember serve


Defining Grid Layout

All the below examples use the following model for the data rows

  name: "Steve",
  lastName: "Fuller",
  age: 32,
  email: ""
  nightlySleep: {
    '2015-01-01': 24,

Defining the window

Ember grid only displays data that fits into a fixed size window. Cells will only be rendered as (or just before) they scroll into view. This makes ember-grid suitable for displaying very large datasets.

To specify the window, use the height and width attributes. The rowHeight attribute specifies the (outer) height of rows in the body of the grid.

{{#ember-grid data=myData width=800 height=200 rowHeight=25}} 
  {{eg-column key="name"}}
  {{eg-column key="age"}}
  {{eg-column key="email"}}

If height is not specified, ember-grid or width is not specified, ember-grid will use its actual height and width on display. (See Control Scrolling, below, for more details.) If row-height is not specified, ember-grid will look for a height in css for an element rendered with class .ember-grid .row. If none is found, the default is 25 pixels.

Simple text columns

key is used to lookup data on the row model and to identify the row for glimmer reuse.

{{#ember-grid data=myData showHeader=false}} 
  {{eg-column key="name"}}
  {{eg-column key="age"}}
  {{eg-column key="email"}}

Add a header

showHeader (default is true). If no header is specified on the column then key is used instead.

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" header="Name"}}
  {{eg-column key="age" header="Age"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" header="Email Address"}}

Add a footer

showFooter (default is false). If no footer is defined on the column then the footer cell is blank. We suggest a function on the containing component to calculate the aggregated footer data.

averageAge: Ember.computed('myData.@each.age', function() { ... })

{{#ember-grid data=myData showFooter=true}} 
  {{eg-column key="name" header="Name"}}
  {{eg-column key="age" header="Age" footer=averageAge}}
  {{eg-column key="email" header="Email Address"}}

Specify column width

Use width (pixels) and resizable (boolean) to control column width.

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name"}}
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

Limit column width

Use css min-width and max-width on the header cells or specify min-width or max-width (pixels) on the column. If you specify in the column and in css, the most restrictive one is used.

If the specified width of a column lies outside the min-width-max-width range, it will be brought to the nearest allowable value before displaying the grid.

.ember-grid .header .cell {
  min-width: 200px;

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name" min-width=150 max-width=300}}
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

In the above example the name column will have a min-width of 200px as the css is more restrictive than the column definition.

Note: When the width, min-width or max-width is specified in the column, this refers to the inner width of the column, not including padding and borders. A min-width specified in the css refers to the outer width and includes padding and borders.

Specify column alignment

Use align ("left" | "center" | "right") to control column alignment.

Note: the align option only applies to auto-generated cells. If you override a cell block (see below) then you are in full control of the cell layout.

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name"}}
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age" align="right"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

Supply a custom header

Place an eg-header component inside an eg-column to override the default header.

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 

  {{#eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name"}}
    {{#eg-header as |column|}}
        <img src="icon.png"/>

  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age" align="right"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

Supply a custom footer

Place an eg-footer component inside an eg-column to override the default footer. Ordering of eg-header and eg-footer does not affect the output. They are completely independent.

averageAge: Ember.computed('myData.@each.age', function() { ... })

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 

  {{#eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name" footer=averageAge}}
    {{#eg-header as |column|}}
        <img src="icon.png"/>
    {{#eg-footer as |column|}}
        <span>Average: {{column.footer}}</span>

  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age" align="right"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

Specify body cell content

By default, the cell content in the table body is the field in the each row of data corresponding to the column key. To override this specify the field in the column:

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name" field="email" }}
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age" align="right"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

Providing a string field is of limited utility. This example merely displays the email field twice. However, field can also be passed in as a function from your outer context (controller or enclosing component). For instance, if you have a controller that defines:

function fullName(row) {
  return + ' ' + row.lastName;

Then the following table would display the full name in the first column:

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name" field=fullName }}
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age" align="right"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

The fullName accessor is called with (row, rowIndex, column), where row is the current data row, rowIndex is the index of the row, and column is the current column object. The column object has the properties passed in by you as attributes to the eg-column.

Supply a custom body cell

Place an eg-body component inside eg-column to override the default body cells for the column:

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{#eg-column key="name" width=150 header="Name" field=fullName }}
    {{#eg-body as |field rowIndex column|}}
      <span class="number">{{rowIndex}}</span>
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 resizable=false header="Age" align="right"}}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 header="Email Address"}}

The field yielded by eg-body to the content is either the data field corresponding to the current row, or whatever was returned by the custom accessor supplied as field to the eg-column attribute. For instance, if our accessor function was

function fullName(row) {
  return {first:, last: row.lastName};

Then the eg-body could be written:

    {{#eg-body as |field|}}
      <span class="first">{{field.first}}</span>
      <span class="last">{{field.last}}</span>

Note that as displayed above, the current rowIndex and column are available in the body of eg-body, but of course, needn't be referenced if not required by the calculation.

Control scrolling & understand dimension defaults

Use scroll-y and scroll-x to control whether ember-grid will enable scrolling over rows and columns (respectively). Possible settings are true, false and "auto". The default behavior, if width and height are specified, is scroll-x="auto" scroll-y="auto": scroll if the rows or columns do not fit in the window. Currently, true has the same effect as auto.

If width is not specified, then ember-grid will determine the width based on other factors. If scroll-x is false, and all columns have widths, then the width will be the sum of column widths. If either of these factors isn't true, then any css width will be used if present, or if not, the available width in the enclosing html element. Thus, the grid:

{{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" width=150 }}
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 }}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 }}

has width 500, and all columns display without scrolling. The grid:

{{#ember-grid data=myData width=400 }} 
  {{eg-column key="name" width=150 }}
  {{eg-column key="age" width=50 }}
  {{eg-column key="email" width=250 }}

has horizontal scrolling turned on, as the sum of the column widths is greater than the total width. The grid:

{{#ember-grid data=myData width="600" }} 
  {{eg-column key="name"  }}
  {{eg-column key="age" }}
  {{eg-column key="email" }}

renders without scrolling; each column will be assigned a width of 200. If the surrounding div has inner width 600, leaving the width out of the example above would have the same effect:

<div style="width: 600px">
  {{#ember-grid data=myData }} 
    {{eg-column key="name"  }}
    {{eg-column key="age" }}
    {{eg-column key="email" }}

The relationship between height and scroll-y is analogous, except that, currently, rowHeight cannot be set automatically. If total height is specified and scroll-y is auto vertical scrolling over rows will be turned on when there are more rows than can be displayed. If scroll-y is false and height is not specified, then all rows will be displayed. Finally, if scroll-y is not false, and height is not specified, then css height is used, or if not specified, available height in enclosing parent.

Supplying Data

Data is supplied as an array. The type of array required depends on the use case.

Immutable Data Array

If the data items will never change, supply a plain JavaScript array. Note that modifications to the array will not be reflected in the grid.

Mutable Data Array

When items will be added to and removed from the data array, the supllied data array must be an Ember Array (Ember.A([...])). Items must be added using addObject/addObjects/pushObject/pushObjects and removed with removeObject/removeObjects/popObject.


data can be supplied as a promise which resolves to an array. Once the promise has resolved, the data will be rendered into the grid as normal.

Show content if there are no data rows

Place an eg-if-empty component inside the ember-grid component to show custom content when there are no rows in the data.

{{#ember-grid ...}}
    {{eg-column ...}}

        {{!-- Display this when data array is empty. --}}
        Nothing to see here!

Override Styling

Use the following selectors in your css to affect each part of the layout.

Selector Target
.ember-grid Outer grid
.ember-grid .header Header row
.ember-grid .header .cell Header cells
.ember-grid .body Body section
.ember-grid .body .row Body rows
.ember-grid .body .row .cell Body cells
.ember-grid .body .row .cell.odd Body cells in odd rows
.ember-grid .body .row.empty .cell Cell that displays eg-if-empty message
.ember-grid .footer Footer row
.ember-grid .footer .cell Footer cells
.ember-grid .cell All cells


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit



Licensed under the MIT license


declarative table for ember



MIT, MIT licenses found

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