The Enterprise Integration Requirements is a set of documents and tools to help an integration team consider, plan, and execute a medium to large scale integration project.
Overall Goal of the Integration
State the goal of the overall integration using your favorite user story format.
Example: To achieve the business goal of seamlessly moving geological survey data from the Azure Data Lake to Salesforce, the exploration team needs an integration between the two systems with guaranteed delivery of event data in the form of JSON. Additionally, the mobile development team needs a REST API that provides access to the exploration team's geological summary report.
Enterprise Architecture Decision for Integration
State the defense for architectural choices.
Example: Because of its built-in connectors and ease-of-use, the Integration Team has selected Mulesoft as the primary technology to help deliver data from the Azure Data Lake to Salesforce. Mulesoft will provide REST API in the form of a process layer and an experience layer for the mobile development team. The integration team will also make use of Azure Data Factory to transform and extract geological survey data, and the integration team will build microservices to facilitate data enrichment for the experience layer.
High-level Business Requirements
Gather basic business requirements in the form of Assert must, shall, will, will not.
Integration shall align geological survey data to the correct salesforce account of the geologist.
Enterprise Integration Patterns - Event Driven Consumer
Event Collaboration - Martin Fowler
Triggering frequency
Performance Feasibility
Maximum possible size of response
Maximum possible response time
Performance Feasibility
Batch Size
Batch Update Frequency
Performance Feasibility
Message loss acceptance
Message loss exception strategy
Service Level Agreement Parameters
Duplication and Idempotent strategy
Single Message or Message Sequence
Message Sequence Order of Operation and Order of Delivery
Conflict Resolution Strategy for Multiple Sources of Truth
Required Quality of Service
Define the Inbound Service Contracts
API to Entity
Transactional or Non-Transactional Steps
Corrupt / Bad Message Response
Identifier handling
System of Record
Attribute level mapping
Define the Outbound Service Contract
Outbound Contract Verification
Event Contract
Trigger definition
Loop handling
Promised Contract
Source Systems
Master System Attributes
Value Patterns
Formal and Informal Attribute Structures
Application Mappings
Mapping Maintenance Procedures
Concrete Values
Schema Validation
Context mapping
Noun/Action Mapping
Integration Exceptions
Incident Process
Exception Taxonomy Definition
Error Explanations
Error Notification Plan
Status Codes
Business events for telemetry
Business events for tracking
Business events to Publish for Subscribers
Tracking key processes
Before and after states
Meaningful transaction ids
Business event transactional replay
Inbound / Outbound Credential Requirements
Message Encryption
Password storage
NPI Transport
Log obfuscation
Reaction to Incident Scenarios
Operation procedures
DevOps logs
Log management policy
Emergency loss handling
HealthCheck API / Flows
Dev details
QA details
Prod details
Clear Definition
Open Issues
Assumptions Checked
Dependencies Known
Requirements Met
EIS contacts
Partner contacts
Enterprise solution contacts
Product owner contacts
QA contacts
BA contacts
Security contacts
DevOps contacts
System and Architectural Stakeholders agree to the accuracy of the information in this document and accept it as the integration scope-of-work.
Approver Name | Department | Signature | Date |
I've built this document from the original work of Peter Rajsky. Peter's "Personal Checklist of Integration Architect," was instrumental in helping to guide me through my first few large integrations. Personal Checklist of Integration Architect
The Bible of Enterprise Integration (, "Enterprise Integration Patterns by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf")