qa4sm_reader is a python package to read and plot the result files of the qa4sm service.
This package should be installable through pip (not yet tough, see development):
pip install qa4sm_reader
This package is used to analyze a qa4sm netCDF output file and produce all relevant plots and maps.
The project was setup using pyscaffold and closely follows the recommendations.
For Development we recommend creating a conda
cd qa4sm-reader conda env create # create environment from requirements.rst conda activate qa4sm-reader python develop # Links the code to the environment
To remove the environment again, run:
conda deactivate conda env remove -n qa4sm_reader
For testing, we use py.test
The dependencies are automatically installed by pytest-runner when you run the tests. The test-dependencies are listed in the testing
field inside the [options.extras_require]
section of setup.cfg
For some reasons, the dependencies are not installed as expected. To workaround, do:
pip install pytest-cov
The files used for testing are included in this package. They are however subject to other terms and conditions.
No known issues - please open an issue in case you come across a malfunctioning in the package.