Basically I took a bunch of roles written by the awesome geerlingguy:
- geerlingguy.repo-epel
- geerlingguy.git
- geerlingguy.ansible
- geerlingguy.docker
- geerlingguy.pip
- geerlingguy.nodejs
- geerlingguy.awx
These are all specified in the requirements.yml
file here in.
Please consult the servers.yml
file for the provisioning options (centos7
Bring up a centos7 machine ->
vagrant up awx-centos
provisioning should take ~20 minuets or so - Grab yourself a cup of joe.
Once complete UI login via -> (or what your custom ip may be)
username: admin
password: password -
CLI login ->
vagrant ssh awx-centos
and thensudo tower-cli config
This should yield:
# User options (set with `tower-cli config`; stored in ~/.tower_cli.cfg).
host: http://localhost:80
username: admin
password: password
verify_ssl: False
# Defaults.
description_on: False
verbose: False
format: human
color: True
use_token: False
Congrats, You are now ready to use both the UI and CLI of AWX !
Use the ./playbooks/awx.yml playbook / fit it to your usecase:
- hosts: <change me>
become: yes
nodejs_version: "6.x"
- name: docker-py
- geerlingguy.repo-epel
- geerlingguy.git
- geerlingguy.ansible
- geerlingguy.docker
- geerlingguy.pip
- geerlingguy.nodejs
- geerlingguy.awx
# A section i added so we can start experimenting with the cli straight away ...
- pip:
name: ansible-tower-cli
state: latest
- shell: tower-cli config host http://localhost:80
- shell: tower-cli config username admin
- shell: tower-cli config password password
- shell: tower-cli config verify_ssl false
- shell: tower-cli user list