Terraform Discovery Helper (Powered by terraforming)
This small repo was designed to collect the info about the aws assets we have and keep them in source control. + import / re-create with terraform so all our infrastructure is saved as code
There folder aws_assets/ in our case aws_assets/eu-west-1
will have the state of all our assets in eu-west-1
region by running the following command:
export AWS_PROFILE=`default`
terraforming help | grep terraforming | grep -v help | awk '{print "terraforming", $2, "--profile", "${AWS_PROFILE}", ">", $2".tf";}' | bash
In the command above I am using my IAM account which is the administrator of the account (or administrator privileges) which enable me to run the terraforming
gem against our AWS account and provide the info for example running terraforming vgw
resource "aws_vpn_gateway" "vgw-xxxxxxx" {
vpc_id = "vpc-xxxxxxx"
availability_zone = ""
tags {
or terraforming vpc
resource "aws_vpc" "Tikal-IO-Defaultvpc" {
cidr_block = ""
enable_dns_hostnames = true
enable_dns_support = true
instance_tenancy = "default"
tags {
"Name" = "Tikal IO Default VPC"
"kubernetes.io/cluster/k8s.example.com" = "shared"
Which means I can use/reuse these values / states (as terraform calls them) to persist to SCM. the run.sh file
- Ruby - you should have ruby already installed on your mac ...
viagem install bundler
- Running
bundle install
in the root of this directory
./run_all_regions.sh Once you are done you can basically re-create your infrastructure by using terraform import