mustache.clj is a (yet another) implementation of the Mustache template system for Clojure.
By preprocessing template into a tree like data structure, It's quite fast.
I initally write it for my part time project: Rssminer
- Rssminer need to fast with limited MEM and CPU
- It makes the i18n quite easy
- Mustache is used both server side and client side
- Clean compact code: the jar size is about 11k
- Zero dependency
- Fast: renders the
with the test data about 500k times per seconds on 13 inch Macbook Air - For Clojure
[me.shenfeng/mustache "1.1"]
<!-- test/sample.tpl -->
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p class="desc">{{ desc }}</p>
<li class="tag">{{ tag }}</li>{{/tags}}
{{# hidden }}
this will not show, if hidden is false or empty list
{{/ hidden }}
(deftemplate tmpl-fn (slurp "test/sample.tpl"))
(def data {:title "mustache.clj"
:desc "Logic-less {{mustache}} templates for Clojure"
:tags [{:tag "Clojure"}
{:tag "Mustache"}
{:tag "Performance"}]})
(println (tmpl-fn data))
<p class="desc">Logic-less {{mustache}} templates for Clojure</p>
<li class="tag">Clojure</li>
<li class="tag">Mustache</li>
<li class="tag">Performance</li>
templates folder:
├── admin.tpl => admin
├── login.tpl => login
├── m
│ ├── landing.tpl => m-landing
│ ├── p_header.tpl => m-p-header
│ └── subs.tpl => m-subs
└── tmpls
├── app
│ ├── feed_content.tpl => tmpls-app-feed-content
(gen-tmpls-from-folder "templates" [".tpl"]) ; generates the clojure fn
; now you can write something like this
(admin {:key "str" :array [1 2 3 5]})
just like gen-tmpls-from-folder, except find templates files from classpath
You can pass a function (optional) to deftemplate
, mktmpls-from-folder
, mktmpls-from-resouces
, allows you to transform the template data
(defn add-gloal-data [data]
(assoc data
:dev? (config/dev?) ; distingish dev and prod
:server-host (get-in *current-req* [:header "host"]) ; stg1, test, prod host are different
;; other data, like different data based on local => for i18n
(gen-tmpls-from-folder "templates" [".tpl"] add-gloal-data)
- Set Delimiter is not implemented now. Anyway, why change {{}} to <% %>
- Lambdas is not implemented
use ?
to test value true. example
links is value true, this string get outputed
links is value false, this string get outputed
this is repeated (count links) times
When using ?, Mustache.clj will print a warnning to stderr
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.