Hacktoberfest is a program by Digital Ocean, DEV and Github, where you can easily win a T-Shirt just by making 4 pull requests in the month of October to any open source projects on Github.
HackElite is a repository created & maintained by DevNation, coding community at AJIET, this is open to all & everyone irrespective of your coding levels.
We welcome all contributions, suggestions & ideas for improvement from the community. You can contribute by posting in the Solutions folder in Problem Type of your choice.
GitHub Account - click here to create account
Visual Studio Code or any other code editor - click here to download
Git version control - click here to download
your interest and time😁😎
graph LR
Z(Star the repository) --> Y(fork the repo) --> A
A(Choose Task Type) --> B(Type#1)
A --> C(Type#2) --> F --> H(Question with Solution) --> J
A --> D(Type#3) --> F --> I(Solution for Given Problems) --> J
A --> E(Type#4) --> G(Upload Portfolio with Code) --> J(Submit & Wait for Verification)
B --> F(Upload)
Note: When Uploading & Submitting Pull Requests you need to submit it within a folder & the folder name must be your GitHub Username
fork the repository (click here)
There are 4 Types of Tasks, those are as follows:
- Type#1 consist of various code snippets that are almost correct but have some errors or missing parts.
- You can contribute to this task either by uploading different problems that are similar in nature as well as the corresponding solution or by uploading solutions for given problems.
- Type#2 consists of competitive programming sums.
- You can contribute for this either by uploading more questions related to competitive programming as well as the respective solutions or by uploading solutions for the given problems.
- Type#3 consist of designing UI represented by the given images.
- You can contribute for this either by uploading your own UI images along with appropriate code or by uploading solutions for the given tasks.
- Type#4 is a folder to upload various kinds of portfolio websites.
- You can contribute by uploading your portfolio website screenshots along with code.
After you upload your solution create new Pull request and wait for reviewers to review your pull request before getting it merged