HTML5 clone of classic arcade game Asteroids using game engines courtesy of Udacity. This version was inspired by "Rice Rocks" a Python version of Asteroids.
To play the game download the zip file or clone my repo and initialize the project at index.html.
Alternatively there is an online demo here
Click on Start to begin the game. Click on Restart to end the current session and return to the Start Screen.
Use the arrow keys to move the ship. Use the space bar to shoot.
Your ship and missiles will wrap around the screen...but so will the asteroids!
Avoid the asteroids and build up your score! Each asteroid is worth 10 points!
Each collision with an asteroid will reduce your lives by 1. (Collision mechanics are pretty generous, collisions near the wing tips don't count! :P)
A working HTML5 clone of the classic arcade game Asteroids.
Thank you to Udacity for providing engine.js and resource.js. The original source code can be found at frontend-nanodegree-arcade-game
Art work provided by for his SpaceShooterRedux artpack
Laser art courtesy of Kim Lathrop.
Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript was referenced for several animation solutions
Thanks to rwrountree for being a second pair of eyes and good advice! :)
Thanks to JohnMav for always accomodating the early morning coaching sessions!
Please feel free to contribute and build off of this. Also, let me know of any issues!
- issues:
- source:
This project is licensed under the MIT License
Initialize README.mdRender background imageBuild general gameObj ObjectBuild Player ObjectBuild Asteroids ObjectBuild Missile Object
Render spaceshipImplement movement controlsShip should a ship..not like a rookSpace has no let's try and simulate that!We actually need friction to help improve gameplay!Ship should be able to wrap around the screen
Implement missile functionalityCan have multiple missiles, we should have an array of these objectsMissiles should expireMissiles should blow up asteroidsMissiles should wrap around the screen- Missiles should come from the tip of the ship
Render One AsteroidRender multiple asteroidsAsteroids should have random momentum/movementAsteroids should also be able to wrap around the screenAsteroids should SPIN...this is hard- Option: Asteroids should be able to split into smaller asteroids
- Option: Rocks should bounce off of each other!
must handle collision between ship and rock, rock and missiles...
able to start game when player readyable to restart game- pause functionality
- able to choose a space ship
- maybe work on using on key events to start instead of button events..
- Add difficulty levels
###Score and Life system
Keep track of score based on number of asteroids destroyed- ~~ Scores and Lives show up on object collision ~~
When lives < 0; game-over
- Add sound??
- Smoother menu functionality
- Cleaner code implementation
- Better DOM manipulation