Dev environment using docker containers to run various servers and services
- Make sure docker is installed
- Run setup
- After the build is completed, a new directory will be created called projects
- Clone or create your projects in this directory
- copy the template.conf in docker/nginx into docker/nginx/sites
- rename the new file as per your needs
- edit the file and change the follow strings
- [site domain here] to your domain name. eg: example.test
- [app public folder here] to point to your site public folder
- start/restart the contianers
- To start the containers: while in this folder run sudo docker compose up . This command will run docker in the foreground.
- Connecting your application to mariadb server
- host: db
- username: root
- pasword: dbpassword
- Running composer, yarn or npm should be done in the phpfpm container
- To login to the phpfpm container execture: sudo doker-compose exec phpfpm bash . Once logged in, you will be in the projects directory
- Add data that needs persisting, eg: mariadb databases, are store in the respective container folder. eg: mariadb databases are stored in docker/db/data
- Running sh will display instructions on how to ssh into the other containers
- Make sure your fake domain are recorded in your hosts file