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My hosts and dotfiles defined via NixOS, nix-darwin, and home-manager.

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Machine definitions for multiple hosts using NixOS, nix-darwin, and home-manager with flakes.

As someone who has put off truly learning how Nix (the language) works by rifling through blogs, open-source repositories, issue trackers, et al, I attempt to pay that effort forward by heavily commenting the configurations themselves and providing minimal documentation explaining the how and why to serve as a basic reference for others.

  • lib/mksystem.nix is used to define hosts in flake.nix.
    • Sets specialArgs for OS and home-manager modules to propagate information about the current user and system to children modules.
    • Adds required modules from flake inputs based on host configuration (e.g., disko if the host provides a disk configuration).
  • Hosts can optionally provide a homie configuration, allowing user-specific configuration to be reused across multiple hosts.
  • Non-critical secrets (k3s server token) are managed with ryantm/agenix. Critical secrets (tailscale reusable auth key, private keys) are managed using Bitwarden, outside of Nix.

While the structure and approach of this repository have more-or-less settled, it is still very much an early stage WIP. TODOs are tracked in and # TODO comments scribbled throughout.


Host Nix files in hosts/ define attribute sets that are used by lib/mksystem.nix to instantiate the appropriate system configuration in the root flake.nix, e.g.:

# hosts/example.nix
  system = "aarch64-darwin"; # The system architecture.
  user = "shimmerjs";        # The system's main user.

  # Optional user-specific configuration that can be shared across hosts,
  # see more info below.
  homie = import ../homies/shimmerjs;

  # OS config, which will be evaluated by nix-darwin or NixOS depending on the 
  # value for 'system' above.
  systemConfig = import ./configuration.nix;

  # home-manager configuration for this host's main user as defined above.
  home = import ./home.nix;

  # diskConfig is an optional attribute that allows Nix to also manage the 
  # disk setup via disko
  diskConfig = import ../../modules/nixos/disko/simple-gpt-lvm.nix {
    disk = "/dev/nvme0n1";

Can then be instantiated in flake.nix by doing:

# flake.nix 

outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, home-manager, darwin, ... }:
    mkSystem = import ./lib/mksystem.nix { inherit nixpkgs inputs; };
    darwinConfigurations = {
      example = mkSystem "example";

# [...]


User-specific configurations that can be layered on top of a host's system and home-manager config. The concept of homies allows separating the concerns of configuring my user and configuring a specific host.

A homie is structured as such:

# homies/dennis/default.nix
  # home-manager module defining cross-platform userland for our homie dennis.
  # This sould be configuration that dennis always wants to apply to his hosts.
  home = import ./home;
  # darwin and nixos are both attribute sets that define a system config
  # module and an optional additional home-manager module that is added
  # if this homie is imported into a system of that type.

  darwin = {
    systemConfig = { pkg, lib, config, ... }: { };
    home = { pkg, lib, config, ... }: {};

  nixos = {
    systemConfig = { pkg, lib, config, ... }: { };
    home = { pkg, lib, config, ... }: {};

Setting up a new host

Create hosts/$HOSTNAME.nix or hosts/$HOSTNAME/default.nix with the desired system configuration.


Initialize system without cloning the repo:

# Install XCode tools
xcode-select --install
# Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install Nix
sh <(curl -L${NIX_VERSION:-'2.22.1'}/install)
# Initialize system
nix run nix-darwin \
  --extra-experimental-features nix-command \
  --extra-experimental-features flakes \
  -- switch --flake "github:shimmerjs/.universe#${HOSTNAME:-$(hostname)}"

To set up the ~/.universe repo for pulling more updates and applying them by hand, or tweaking that hosts config:

# Will prompt installation of XCode CLI tools
git clone $HOME/.universe && cd $HOME/.universe

Prior Art


My hosts and dotfiles defined via NixOS, nix-darwin, and home-manager.






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