竞赛官网:地址 当前模型:CNN with selective attention. (由官方提供地址)
- python 3.6
- numpy
- tensorflow 1.12.0
Please download the data from the competition website, then unzip files and put them in ./data/
python pretrain_embedding.py
- raw_file: 文本语料
- clean_file: 清洗后语料
- seg_file: 分词后语料
- word2vec.txt:词向量文件
python baseline.py --mode prepare
Then you will get two pickle files in './data/processed'
- word_map.pkl
- word_embed.pkl
You can use the following command to train models for Sent-Track or Bag-Track:
python baseline.py --level sent
python baseline.py --level bag
The model will be stored in ./model/
floder. We provide large scale unmarked corpus for train word vectors or language mdoels. The word vectors used in baseline system are trained by a package named gensim in python, and some parameters are set as follows:
from gensim.models import word2vec
model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, sg=1, size=300, window=5, min_count=10, negative=5, sample=1e-4, workers=10)
You can use the following command to test models for Sent-Track or Bag-Track:
python baseline.py --mode test --level sent
python baseline.py --mode test --level bag
Predicted results will be stored in result_sent.txt or result_bag.txt.
我们的设备Intel 5118(12核) + 64GB RAM + RTX 2080Ti
模型 | 线下sent | 线上sent | 线下bag | 线上bag | 训练时长 |
官方(报告) | - | 0.22 | - | 0.31 | 4h40min(sent) |
CNN with attention | 0.226087 | 0.21564 | 2h45min(sent) |
- Lin Y, Shen S, Liu Z, et al. Neural relation extraction with selective attention over instances[C]//Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). 2016, 1: 2124-2133.