To make a wrapper over GitHub API and automate the some tasks
I have tried to complete as many functionalities as possible. I have used MERN stack and Github API.
Foloowing are the features that I have added:
- Authentication : App is fully authenticated. No user without logging in can make the use of the platform
- App has an endpoint that can create a repo with the name provided by the user
- App has an endpoint that can list all Repos of a User \
- App has an endpoint for listing all contributors and stargazers of a repository
- App has an endpoint listing all topics of a Repository
- App has an endpoint for updating topics of a repository
- App has an endpoint for deleting topics for a repository
- App has an endpoint to list all the repos of a given user with > 5 stars and > 5 forks
- If a user is not given, then by default it shows repos of the authenticated user
- A user who wants to create a repo on its Github account, he/she has to create a personal access token and then by providing it they can create a repo by using the app
I have also deployed the app using Heroku