composer require shopgate/webcheckout-magento2
bin/magento module:enable Shopgate_WebCheckout
bib/magento setup:upgrade
Anonymous & Customer
GET http://localhost/rest/default/V1/sgwebcheckout/products?ids[]=44&ids[]=2034&ids[]=2040
"products": [
"sku": "24-WG02",
"id": "44"
"parent_sku": "WSH12",
"sku": "WSH12-31-Green",
"id": "2034"
"sku": "WSH12",
"id": "2040"
Anonymous & Customer
GET http://localhost/rest/default/V1/sgwebcheckout/productsBySku?skus[]=24-WG02&skus[]=MS-Champ-M&skus[]=MS-Champ
"products": [
"sku": "24-WG02",
"id": "44"
"parent_sku": "WSH12",
"sku": "WSH12-31-Green",
"id": "2034"
"sku": "WSH12",
"id": "2040"
POST http://localhost/rest/default/V1/sgwebcheckout/me/token
Guest user (with cart)
POST http://localhost/rest/default/V1/sgwebcheckout/:cartId/token
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...",
"expiration": 1722194685
Anonymous user (guest without cart)
POST http://localhost/rest/default/V1/sgwebcheckout/anonymous/token
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...",
"expiration": 1722194685
Note that you will need to enable the logging in the Shopgate > WebCheckout
configuration for it to stop throwing 500 errors.
GET http://localhost/rest/default/V1/sgwebcheckout/log?page=1&lines=20
"log": [
"[2024-07-28T19:08:21.400242+00:00] shopgate_webc.ERROR: Could not find products by IDs: 99999 [] []\n",
When working with the frontend and trying to mimic the inApp, just append ?sgWebView=1
and load the page. This will
allow you to work with CSS and see our JavaScript logic as if you loaded the page as inApp browser. Clear the cookie
by setting ?sgWebView=0
Our logic, (at the time of writing only sgwebcheckout/account/login
controller) has logging for easier debugging,
however, you will need to enable it in the Admin > Config > Shopgate WebCheckout
area or with command line:
bin/magento config:set shopgate_webcheckout/development/enable_logging 1
bin/magento cache:clear
Afterward, you can see the log in the var/log/shopgate/webcheckout_debug.log
directory or use our API to query the
logs. See postman for an example of how to use it.
Token has an invalid structure.
- this error can occur if there is a 302 redirect happening. Let's say you have a website, but yourdefault
storeCode references,
will trigger a 302 redirect
without forwarding the token or any other parameter. Token will be empty & you get this error message. Fix - make sure to
as your domain.The current user cannot perform operations on cart \"{MASKED_ID}\"
- this is an error that can happen if you are trying to addProducts to cart as guest, but a customer session cookie is set, it is calledPHPSESSID
. Fix - make sure the Cookie is not set before making API/GraphQL calls.